Publications & Resources

ACTS is committed to undertake capacity building, conduct research, provide advisory services and disseminate information on the policy aspects of the application of science and technology to sustainable development in Africa by producing high quality policy and research products and outputs  that inform our programmes that contribute to global debates.

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Publications & Resources categories

Dairy Industry Sustainability through Adding Value to Processing Sidestreams

Circular Bioeconomy for the Kenyan Dairy Sector (VALORISE)

Market Analysis - Trends in solar dryers' uptake and dried food markets development in Kenya

CATALYZING GREEN INDUSTRIALIZATION IN AGRI-FOOD PROCESSING Strategic considerations for Africa-Europe collaboration

Opportunities and Challenges for Enhancing the Quality of Solar Drying Technology and Agri-enterprise in Kenya - A Policy Dialogue

Assessing Capabilities and Skills for Delivery of Quality Solar Drying Technologies in the Kenyan Market

Mentoring as a pathway to building research capacity in the field of innovation and development studies in Africa

Strategic Plan 2004 - 2008

Strategic Plan 2009 - 2013

Strategic Plan 2014 - 2018

Strategic Plan 2019 - 2021

Application of Artificial Intelligence in Education in Africa

Application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Informal Sector in Africa

Status of technology Transfer and commercialization of R&D outputs in AI4D Africa participating universities

Research and Application of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Africa – A Compendium of Research Projects

Nurturing wellbeing: How African researchers are using AI and Machine Learning to address health challenges.

Transforming Africa’s Agriculture through AI and ML – A synthesis of AI4D Africa research projects in agriculture

State of Environment Rapid Assessment (SoERA): Development of a Tool for Framing and Managing Urban Environmental and Social Challenges

Foreign Investment in Land and Corporate Social Responsibility: An Investigation for Africa

Balancing Extractive Activities and Biodiversity Conservation in the Congo Basin: Opportunities for Green Growth

A Circular Economy Approach to Agro-Biodiversity Conservation in the Souss Massa Region of Morocco: Project Case-Study

Sustainability Challenges and Opportunities of Generating Biogas from Water Hyacinth in Ndunga Village, Kenya

The Promise of Entrepreneurship for the Future Development of Factor-Driven Economies in Africa

Orchestrating Environmental Sustainability in Regional Trade Agreements

Establishing Human Rights Safeguards for Foreign Investments in Africa: Redefining Rights to Promote Gender Equality in the Natural Resources Sector

Agricultural Expansion and Water Pollution: The Yin-Yang in the Quality of Natural Water Resources

Conventional vs. Ecological Economics Perspectives in Valuation of Ecosystem Services in East Africa

Intended Nationally Determined Contributions as a Means to Strengthening Africa’s Engagement in International Climate Negotiations

Exploring the Agency of Africa in Climate Change Negotiations: The Case of REDD+

Policy coherences between global climate change rules and national sectorial policies: the case of REDD+ in Kenya

Understanding The Sustainable Development Prospects of Mobile-enabled Solar Home Systems in Kenya

The untapped potential of solar energy in Kenya: Factors limiting the integration of solar PV into the electricity grid

What Natural Capital disclosure for integrated reporting?: Designing & Modelling an Integrated Financial - Natural Capital Account and Reporting Framework.

Solar Technologies and Forced draft cookstoves: Key to Household Contribution towards Low Carbon Development in Kenya

ICT Talent Cultivation for Kenya Digital Economy

Transformative Innovation Policy (TIP): Significance of TIP approaches in shaping policy practices across Africa

Political economy insights for science system transformations in sub-Saharan Africa

Assessing Science Technology and Innovation (STI) Metrics in Africa

Private sector participation in agricultural policymaking in Kenya

Multi-Level Environmental Governance in Kenya: Emerging Issues

Preservation of Knowledge Systems through Integration of Indigenous Knowledge System: A Case Study of Ogiek Community in Mau Forest, Kenya

Towards a National Biodiversity Conservation Framework Policy Implications of Proceedings of the International Conference on Biodiversity, Land-use and Climate Change.

Contextualizing Climate Change Training, Education and Scientific Research for Action in Africa

Building the capacity towards climate financing in Africa

Managing air pollution in the Nairobi metropolis

The Role of Earth and Environmental Science in Peace Development in Africa- Science Day

PISCES: Opportunities of Using Pure Plant Oil for Running Stationary Diesel Engines in Rural Areas of Tanzania

PISCES: Bio-energy Advance Market Commitments (AMCs) in Sri Lanka

PISCES: Bio-energy Policy Review in Tanzania

PISCES: Policies and Regulations Affecting Biomass-Related Energy Sector Development in Sri Lanka

PISCES: Choosing Stakeholders for a Policy Consultative Process

PISCES: Policies and Regulations Affecting Biofuel Development in Kenya

PISCES Working Brief: Sustainable Biofuels Crops and Access in Developing Countries

Policy research for enhanced implementation and enforcement of feeds, genetic resources and veterinary services quality standards in the Dairy sector in Kenya

Dairy feeds quality standards enforcement challenge in Kenya: perception of stakeholders

Genetic resources quality standards enforcement Challenge in Kenya: perception of stakeholders

Promoting consumption of African indigenous vegetables in Kenya: The role of gendered knowledge and Perception

Towards a smart bio-safety regulation: The case of Kenya

Could ICT be the Solution to Woo Youth to Agriculture

Livestock Sector Dynamics from Policy Actors’ Perspective

International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge Science and Technology for Development (IAASTD)

RABESA regional workshop policy options paper: Toward a regional policy on GMO crops among COMESA/AS

CBAA: Diversification of Livelihood as Adaptation to Climate Change by Local Communities

CLACC: Building the Capacity of Grassroots Networks to Enhance their Understanding of Climate Change Policy Processes

Climate Change An African Response

Mainstreaming Adaptation to Climate Change in the Development Process in Uganda

PISCES Working brief: Gender Equity, Charcoal and the Value Chain in Western Kenya

Gender Dimensions of Science and Technology

PISCES: Mainstreaming Gender in Bioenergy Projects: Lessons from PISCES

Technology Shaping and Technology Policy

Cross-cutting lessons and strategies for prioritising climate action in Africa - Synthesis report of projects under the CRE programme

Diagnostics, Opportunities and Challenges in Sustainable Cold Chain Development in Kenya

Sustainable Cooling and Cold-Chain Foundation Course. Training Proceedings Report

Simple five steps for macroinvertebrate sampling for community river health assessment - Guidelines for Citizen Scientists

Community involvement in river health management - Lessons from River Mayanja (Uganda) and River Njoro (Kenya)

Innovative Financial Instruments for Climate Change Adaptation: The Case Study of Kenya Microfinance for Water Service project

Kenya’s climate change adaptation finance strategy: Status and opportunities for growth.

To what extent are Multilateral Development Banks integrating Climate Change Adaptation Finance in their Development finance?

The African Technopolitan Magazine - Vol 5

The African Technopolitan Magazine - Vol 4

The African Technopolitan Magazine - Vol 3

The African Technopolitan Magazine - Vol 2

The African Technopolitan Magazine - Vol 1

Quarterly Newsletter - July 2024

Quarterly Newsletter - September 2023

Quarterly Newsletter - April 2023

Quarterly Newsletter - August 2022

Quarterly Newsletter - May 2022

Quarterly Newsletter - December 2021

Developing Competitive Green Climate Fund Projects Using CRIBS

ACTS Brochure, 2023

ACTS Strategic Plan, 2022-2026

Annual Report, 2023

Annual Report, 2022

New Capability Statement