
We are committed to producing high quality policy and research outputs that inform our programmes and provokes debate on critical issues in African/global development.

Book on Research Methods and Scientific Communication: A Problem-Based and Learner-Centred Approach

Building Innovation Capabilities for Sustainable Industrialisation: Renewable Electrification in Developing Economies

Construire Des Systemes Scientifiques En Afrique: Fondements conceptuels et consid rations empiriques

Building Science Systems in Africa: Conceptual Foundations and Empirical Considerations

Harnessing Nanotechnology for Sustainable Development in Africa

Enhancing Adaptation to Climate Change in Developing Countries – Through Community Based Adaptation

Coming to Life: Biotechnology in African Economic Recovery

Biodiplomacy: Genetic Resources and International Relations

Biotechnology and Sustainable Development: Policy Options for Developing Countries

A Change in the Weather: African Perspectives on Climatic Change

Gaining Ground: Institutional Innovations in Land-use Management in Kenya

Biological diversity and innovation: Conserving and utilizing genetic resources in Kenya

Mapping Climate Vulnerability and Poverty in Africa

Kenya’s Urban Development in the 21st Century – The call for Innovative Initiatives from Local Authorities

Environmental Suitability and Agro-Environmental Zoning of Kenya for Biofuel Production

Promises and Realities Taking Stock of the 3rd UN International Women’s Conference

Women, Land and Resource Conflicts – Policy Implications and Interventions in Kenya

Re-conceptualization of Wildlife Conservation: Toward Resonation between Subsistence and Wildlife

Contemporary Conflict Analysis in Perspective

Governing Agricultural Biotechnology in Africa – Building Public Confidence & Capacity for Policy Making

Paradigms, Processes and Practicalities of Land Reform in Post-Conflict Sub-Saharan Africa

Introducing Bt. Cotton: Lessons for Smallholder Farmers in Kenya

IAASTD Global Report

IAASTD Synthesis Report