Terms of Reference for ACTS' Salary Survey


The African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS) is a leading Intergovernmental STI policy Think Tank founded in 1988. Its mandate is to strengthen the capacities and policies of African countries and institutions to use science, technology, and innovation for sustainable development. ACTS is based in Nairobi through a host agreement with the Kenya Government and enjoys international status. ACTS’ governing council depicts its international status. It has representation from Ghana (current chair), Ethiopia, Malawi, Cote d’Ivoire, UK, Sweden, Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) and the East African Science and Technology Commission (EASTECO).

ACTS is currently implementing its seventh strategic plan (2022 - 2026) and pursuing the following five programmes: Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Security (AFNS); Climate Resilient Economies (CRE); Science, Technology, Innovation, Knowledge and Society (STIKS); Digital Innovation and Knowledge Economy (DIKE); and Gender Youth and Inclusive Development (GYID). These programmes are delivered through policy research, policy engagement, capacity building and technology brokerage.


African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS) wishes to contract a consultant (the “Consultant”) to undertake a review of the existing career progression guidelines and salary structure and aligned to current market pay. The Services to be undertaken will include to; i) review the existing career progression guidelines and the application of thereof; ii) undertake a salary survey of peer institutions; and iii) make appropriate recommendations.  The Consultant will leverage existing data sources from peer organizations as far as possible to ensure that ACTS achieves a clear understanding of the most appropriate salary, benefits and remuneration structure that aligns with the needs and the labor market in the country.


The overall aim is to ensure that the ACTS’ salary and benefit packages are equitable, match the responsibilities and duties of each position and are competitive to enable ACTS attract and retain high level talent as well as address the following issues identified.

  • The current job grades and salary structure were developed in 2017 and put into operation in 2019. With time, ACTS has expanded, and new programs and projects have come up. Some staff may sometimes take up more duties and responsibilities that were not part of their Job Descriptions at the start. Moreover, job grades and salary structures will continually change considering the market analysis, comparator benchmarking and job matching.
  • With growth, it has been noted that the salary bands recommended may be limited and do not provide room for growth. It will be essential that these are reviewed to ensure they align with the organization’s long-term goal and strategy.
  • To ensure attraction and retention of high performing staff, there is a need to review the salary grades to match up to the benefits and packages of other organizations similar to ACTS.
  • Each year, ACTS would like to consider a pay review for all its staff. The proposed pay adjustment would be primarily driven by data such as wage inflation and Consumer Price Index (CPI). The vendor will be required to undertake a market review and recommend a methodology based on data through which annual pay adjustments will be made. Recommendations will ensure that ACTS remains competitive but not overpriced.


3.1. Review of Existing Career Progression Guidelines

  1. Review the existing career progression guidelines and how they were implemented.
  2. Undertake a gap analysis.
  3. Make any appropriate recommendations.

3.2. Salary Review

  1. The salary reviews to include all current and future staff positions at ACTS
  2. A review of current salary bands with a view to ensuring that the gap between grades is consistent and progressive.
  3. A review of how salaries are structured including cost of living adjustment, progression, and development in role.

3.3. Benefits Review

  1. A review of all benefits, both monetary and non-monetary, currently offered for ACTS staff.
  2. The review includes consideration of other benefits not currently offered, that are provided by comparators as part of the reward package.


All deliverables are expected by October 30th, 2024


The following outputs are required from the Consultant:

  1. Inception Report.
  2. Review Report of the Revised Career Progression Guidelines.
  3. New salary structure.


The proposal should contain an outline of the Consultant’s organization and experience relevant to the assignment, comments or suggestions on the Terms of Reference, a clear description of the approach, methodology and workplan for the assignment, a budget and additional documentation described by the Annex section below.

Annexes should contain the following:

  • Team composition, including roles and responsibilities of team members, task assignments and level of effort
  • CVs (maximum 3 pages of A4 paper each) of key individuals, tailored to the assignment
  • Work schedule for the assignment
  • Referee information



 Assessment Criteria

 Weighting (%)


 Relevant, demonstrated experience and capacity of individuals in this area



 Understanding/interpretation of the task set out in the TORs



 Content, quality and originality of the proposal



 Financial Proposal





8. Questions or comments in respect of these terms of reference should be directed to email address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The proposal, which should not exceed 6 pages (excluding annexures), should be sent to email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by cob Friday 26th July 2024

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