Partnerships are fundamental to ACTS’s work. We partner with a wide range of donor agencies, universities, research organizations, governments and private sector to ensure that breakthroughs in Science Technology and innovation, Agriculture, Energy and Climate Change are adopted and brought to scale throughout the developing world. Without robust and effective partnerships, even the most groundbreaking innovations will fail to reach our stakeholders whose livelihoods our research aims to transform.
Development partners
Development partners

Signatories to the ACTS Charter
- Kenya
- Ghana
- Malawi
- Uganda
- Malta

Academic and Research Organizations
Local, National and International Collaborators
- Leonard Cheshire Disability and real Impact
- Rand Europe
- Development Trust Innovation Africa
- CEDIA Africa
- Flame Tree systems engineering Ltd
- Tegemeo Institute - Egerton University
- Norwegian Church Aid
- Industrial Research & Development Institute (KIRDI)
- Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS)
- Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Services (KEPHIS)
- GAIA International
- Practical Action
- Carbon Aided
- GVEP International
- Green Africa Foundation
- Vanilla Jatropha Foundation
- Practical ACTION Consulting
- Bio-energy CBO's-Osienala, Haki Ardhi, TaTEDO
- Uhai Lake Forum
- Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI)
- Kenya Forestry Research Institute (KEFRI)
- Kenya Industrial Property Institute (KIPI)
- Kenya Electricity Generating Company (KENGEN)
- Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS)
- National Environment Trust Fund (NETFUND)
- Tanzanian Petroleum Development Cooperation (TPDC)
- MSSRF-India
- NCST & Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology in Kenya
- Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI)
- Sudanese Environment conservation Society (SECS), (CLACC) Sudan
- Zimbabwe Regional Environmental Organisation (ZERO), (CLACC) Zimbabwe
- Kenya Climate Change working group
- Development network for Indigenous Voluntary Association, CLACC Uganda
- IIED (International Institute for Environment and Development
- COL (Commonwealth Of Learning)
- GALVmed
- SS-GATE (South-South Global Asset Technology Exchange)