Internship Programme

African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS) is a pioneering think tank on the application of science, technology and innovation to sustainable development in Africa. For the past 26 years, ACTS has been instrumental in enlarging the range of policy choices for sustainable development in Africa. It was the first to organize an international conference to discuss the options African countries could adopt to mitigate the negative consequences of climate change. ACTS has also played a major role in the negotiations for the Convention on Diversity (CBD) and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). ACTS remains among the leading institutions working on sustainable development in Africa. In 2013, it was rated amongst the top Environment Think Tanks in the Top Science and Technology Think Tanks.

The Vision of ACTS is knowledge for better livelihoods and its Mission is to strengthen the capacity and policies of African countries and institutions to harness science and technology for sustainable development. The research activities of the Centre rotate around the issues of Agriculture and Food Security; Energy and Water Security; Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation; Biodiversity and Natural Resource Management; and Science and Technology Literacy. Gender is embedded in all the programmes and projects as a cross cutting issue.

To achieve its mission and vision, the Centre has established strong links and networks with academic and research institutions, national governments, United Nations (UN) bodies, regional and international processes, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and communities.

ACTS offers short term internships (3 - 6 months) to post graduate students or to recent graduates with post graduate degrees.  These Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Internships are open to all candidates with specific interests in the following areas:

  • Agriculture and Food Security
  • Sustainable Land and Water Management
  • Sustainable Energy Futures and Livelihoods
  • Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation; New Climate Economies
  • Green Economy
  • Biotechnology; Bio economy
  • ICTs for Development; Information Economy
  • Natural Capital, Resource Security and Sustainability
  • Biodiversity and Natural Resource Governance
  • Financial Innovations for Sustainable Development
  • Scientific Publishing
  • Development /Scientific Communications



To qualify for the internships, applicants must meet the following requirements:

  • Be post graduate students (i.e. masters and doctoral candidates) and/or recent graduates with advanced degrees (Masters/PhD/MBA/LL.M etc.) in natural, environmental, social, economic and political sciences.
  • Be interested in applications of science, technology and innovation policies to sustainable development in Africa. Relevant experience in Science, Technology and Innovation policy making in Africa is preferable but not required.
  • Have independent ability to support self throughout the duration of the internship in Nairobi, Kenya (accommodation, transportation, subsistence, health insurance).
  • Be able to undertake (policy) research work in area of interest and to present the results in writing at the end of the internship.
  • The internship is open to all nationalities


Support Provided by ACTS

ACTS will provide the following during the internship;

  • Basic infrastructure including but not limited to office space, internet and access to selected reference documents.
  • A conducive environment for learning and conducting STI policy research
  • Opportunity for interaction with, and mentorship by experienced research fellows and experts in STI policy
  • Participation in national and regional capacity building initiatives organized by ACTS and its partners.
  • Opportunities to select research areas from a wide range of scientific and corporate disciplines a (in line with ACTS programme priorities and corporate services (finance, resource mobilization, project management, publications, development communications, IT, etc.).


Application process

Application is open throughout the year. However, applicants must endevour to apply three months before the commencement of the internship to allow enough time for review of the application. Applicants will be notified of the outcome of the review process after one month. Interested applicants should submit a research concept of not more than 5 pages outlining their area of interest in line with ACTS’ research goals. The concept should state the objectives, methodology, expected results and conclusions of the work. The concept, a 3 page CV and a recommendation letter from the supervisor or a senior scholar should be sent as email attachments to


Working Language

This internship will have English as working language.


Cost of internship

The internship application process does not attract any fee. However, students must make their own arrangements related to access to and from ACTS offices, accommodation if not resident in Nairobi, as well as sufficient funds to sustain one’s stay for the entire internship period.

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