Foresight Africa Blog

Where does your waste go?

By Ms. Jully Senteu and Joel Onyango

Heaps of garbage and polybags scattered as far as the eye can see are regrettably a common sight in most urban and peri-urban centers across the country. It is disheartening, when you drive across a centre made up of less than a dozen shops yet there is so much plastic littered all over, you can barely spot a patch of green – or brown.

Harnessing trade for accelerated development in Africa

Think Mobility

By Prof. L Alan Winters - Professor of Economics, University of Sussex, also of CEPR, IZA and GDN

Mobility would seem to be the very essence of trade: if things don’t move, there is no trade. This is true, and it informs the parts of this article that talk about efforts to reduce the costs of doing international trade, including trade facilitation and aid for trade.

The poverty of development strategy in Africa

By Dr. Cosmas Ochieng, former Executive Director, ACTS


A combination of robust economic performance and an uptick in scientific and technological indicators over the last two decades has given rise to exuberant assessments of Africa’s development prospects in the 21st century.

Africa New Middle Class

By Prof. Michael Lofchie, Department of Political Science, UCLA

A vehicle for progressive change or more of the same?

History offers sobering lessons for those concerned with the prospects of broad based development in Africa. Entrenched political oligarchies do not willingly surrender their power and privilege out of a benevolent concern for the wellbeing of the many because they fear that, if they do, they might erode the basis of their dominance.

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