Foresight Africa Blog

Electrifying Kenya’s Clean Cooking Week

By Mourine Chepkemoi (ACTS), Jon Leary (Gamos Ltd.) and Shukri Abdulkadir (Loughborough University).

The MECS Kenya team joined forces with Clean Cooking Association of Kenya (CCAK ) and the Ministry of Energy during their Clean Cooking Week this week, 29 November - 3 December 2021.

Capacity Building for Enhanced Climate Action in Africa

Authors: Maureen Kabasa, Jackson Wachira and Joel Onyango

In this blog, we  explore the relationship between the climate change agenda and development in Africa, problematizing the capacity development gaps associated with climate change awareness and response programs. We argue that  if done right,  capacity building programs offer an opportunity for contributing to both climate change mitigation and adaptation.

A Summary of the Regulatory Framework on TV White Spaces in Kenya

By Leonard Mabele, CB4ICT Project

In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Communications Authority of Kenya (CA) – Kenya’s National Regulatory Authority (NRA), has been deeply engaged on studies to validate the draft of the regulatory framework for Television White Spaces (TVWS) in the country. These studies were spearhead by researchers within the country led by Strathmore University and working with international partners as well.

The future of AI and Cybersecurity: A focus at Generation Z and Generation ALPHA

By Erick O. Otieno, CB4ICTD Project

Information security and cybersecurity have been used synonymously in the context of information systems security management. It is, however, very common to hear the word cybersecurity being floated in almost every discussion in the information systems world. For this blog, we shall consider cybersecurity and information security to mean the same thing.

Climate Information Communication for Local Adaptations: Policy Dialogue

The exchange of climate information by speaking, writing, or using some other medium, messaged in a practical and useful context contributes to climate communication. This has become increasingly vital in translating science and research, into practice and policy.Timely delivery and access of climate information, and how it is received, becomes important in management of drought, floods, pests, and effects of diseases.

Nairobi Disaster Risk Hub signs an MoU with the Nairobi City Government

By Victoria Chengo and Joanes Atela, ACTS

On 6th May 2019 during the official launch of the ‘Nairobi Disaster Risk Hub’ under the ‘Multi Hazard Urban Disaster Risks Transitions’ project, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Nairobi Risk Hub – hosted at the African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS) and the Nairobi City County Government (NCCG) was signed.

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