
The 4th Calestous Juma Seminar

The 4th CJ seminar will be held virtually from September 20th to 22nd, 2022. It will focus on how to accelerate climate action and build resilient economies.

Specifically, the seminar will explore understanding on acceleration of climate action and building resilient economies; dialogue on thematic discourses for climate action and highlight opportunities, successes and challenges for building climate resilient economies.

This seminar will focus on the thematic constructs that would allow for the acceleration of climate action. The themes include climate finance, climate technology and sustainable development, demand driven capacity building on climate change and the road to Conference of Parties (CoP) 27

Each of the seminar days will be designed into two parts:

  1. understand - where facts and presentations are made with follow-up discussions to build understanding, and
  2. dialogue - where the participants convene foresighted discussions on practical and sustainable pathways for climate action (and the road to CoP 27).


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