
ACTS calls for abstracts for ESP 8 conference “ecosystem services in business” session

The Ecosystem Services Partnership (ESP) is a worldwide network, founded in 2008, to enhance the science and practical application of ecosystem services. To facilitate the needed dialogue between scientists, policy makers and practitioners ESP organises an annual international conference in different parts of the world.

The 8th World ESP conference will be held in South Africa from 9 - 13 November 2015. 

The central theme is ‘Ecosystem Services for Nature, People and Prosperity’. The conference will pay special attention to the public and private sector dialogue on how the ecosystem services concept can be used to support conservation, improve livelihoods and engage the business community.

ESP especially encourages delegates from businesses to attend the ESP conference in order to discuss challenges and opportunities in using the concept of ecosystem services to achieve conservation and sustainable use of our ‘natural capital’ within a market-context. The conference will provide an excellent platform to engage with experts who can generate solutions to these challenges and start making a difference in practice.

The conference will be held in South Africa from 9 - 13 November 2015 and is hosted at a very special location: Spier Wine farm and Conference Centre in Stellenbosch. See location section for more information.

The workshops are clustered according to the ESP Working Groups: Biome (B), Thematic (T) and Sectoral (S) Working Groups. Also, Special sessions/Ateliers (O) will be held.

  1. Biome Working Group Workshops
  2. Thematic Working Group Workshops
  3. Sectoral Working Group Workshops
  4. Special Sessions/Ateliers

Dr. Joël Houdet, ACTS Senior Research Fellow, is hosting the special session: “S5 - Ecosystem services in business” in partnership with the South African Department of Environmental Affairs, Natural Capital Coalition, WBCSD, Conservation International , Hemporium, and the EWT – National Business & Biodiversity Network of South Africa.

The session details can be read at:

Call for abstracts

Opening of the call for abstracts on May 8. You will be able to upload your abstract through an online system on this website.

The call for abstracts will close June 30.The call for posters will close July 31.

All abstract submitters will be informed about their acceptance before August 15.


Registration will be possible from April 1 onwards.

Early Bird registration will close August 31.

We offer several ways of (online) payment:  Paypal, credit card, IDEAL and bank transfer.

For more information about the ESP 8 conference:

For more information about sessions and associated themes:

For abstract submission:


Contact us

African Centre for Technology Studies
ICIPE Duduville Campus, Kasarani
P.O. Box 45917 - 00100
Nairobi, Kenya.
Tel: +254710607210 || +254737916566


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