Past Events


The ‘Kenya Climate Science, technology and policy roundtable series’

02 Feb 2015
Nairobi, Kenya

The ‘Kenya Climate Change Science, technology and policy roundtable series’ is convened by the African Centre for Technology Studies. ACTS is a leading intergovernmental policy research organization working on issues of science, technology, innovation and sustainable development in Africa. Our mission is to enlarge the range of policy choices for Africa’s sustainable development. 

The Roundtable shall provide a platform for experts and practitioners to examine and explore research evidence for use in policymaking. Additionally, it will bring together 50 participants including leading climate scientists, think tanks and key policymakers at all levels of government to engage in a free, open and frank sharing of ideas.


Its Objectives are:

  1. To bridge the gap between research and policy making in climate change in Kenya and to strengthen the links between Kenyan climate policymakers, researchers and think tanks.
  2. Document and disseminate case studies on effective mechanisms for facilitating the use of research evidence in climate change legislation, policy formulation and implementation in Kenya

To meet the above objectives, the roundtable series will focus on adaptation and mitigation as they relate to climate policy, research as well as technology in the climate change bill and climate change policy.



  • Policy brief
  • Roundtable Report
  • Documentary
  • Photo stream/ booklet


The Kenya Climate Science, Technology and Policy Roundtable

Convened under the ‘Chatham House Rules’ on a quarterly basis, the Kenya Climate Science, Technology and Policy Roundtable will bring together leading climate scientists (from natural, social, economic and political sciences perspectives), think tanks and key policymakers (from executive, legislative and judicial branches of government, at both national and county levels) to allow open, frank and free exchange of ideas between policymakers and leading scientists on any aspects of formulating, passing and/or implementing the Kenya Climate Change Policy Bill.

The Roundtable shall provide a mechanism for policy makers to access research evidence for use in policymaking and for researchers and scientists to identify policy issues warranting research evidence and to make that available to relevant policy makers.


Background Information

Over the past two decades, Kenya has integrated climate change issues into a variety of legal and governance instruments as well as national and sectoral policies and strategies including but not limited to: the Constitution of Kenya (2010); National Environmental Management and Coordination Act (1999); Vision 2030; National Climate Change Response Strategy (NCCRS); National Climate Change Action Plan; etc.

Recognizing the limitations of the sectoral nature of the climate policy legal, legislative and governance framework, civil society organizations, members of Parliament and other stakeholders came together and drafted the Kenya Climate Change Bill to facilitate a coherent, integrated and cost-effective climate change framework in Kenya. In 2013, this Draft Bill was approved by Parliament but denied Presidential Assent into law due to lack of sufficient ‘public consultation’, including most notably sufficient consultations with the ‘scientific’/research/expert community that would have addressed some of the challenges that led to the failure of the bill to receive Presidential Assent. Civil society groups, various government ministries and a section of members of parliament have now regrouped and are facilitating a new round of public consultations on the bill, before it is revised and resubmitted to the Kenyan Parliament, and if approved by Parliament, to the President for his Assent or rejection.




All Dates

  • 02 Feb 2015

Contact us

African Centre for Technology Studies
ICIPE Duduville Campus, Kasarani
P.O. Box 45917 - 00100
Nairobi, Kenya.
Tel: +254710607210 || +254737916566


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