Past Events


Science Granting Councils Initiative (SGCI) In Sub-Saharan Africa - First Annual Regional Meeting

22 Aug 2016 - 26 Aug 2016
Lemigo Hotel, Kigali, Rwanda

The First Annual Regional Meeting (ARM) will be held in Kigali (Rwanda) from the 22nd to 26th August 2016. It is being co-organized by the East African Science and Technology Commission (EASTECO), Rwanda’s National Commission of Science and Technology (NCST) and the SGCI under the theme: “Science, technology and innovation for socio-economic development, regional integration and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals”. The specific objectives are as follows:

  • To support the East African Science and Technology Commission (EASTECO) in the formulation of its Strategic Plan for 2017-2021;
  • To present the draft SGCI Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) Framework to participating Science Granting Councils and Collaborating Technical Agencies (CTAs);
  • To discuss the SGCI Implementation Plan in order to identify potential areas of cooperation among the CTAs;
  • To conduct a 2-day training course for the SGCs on the “Fundamentals of Research Management: The Role of the Research Manager in a SGC Environment”;
  • To strengthen capacity of the host Science Granting Council (Rwanda’s National Commission of Science and Technology) to convene regional multi-stakeholder STI policy dialogues and debates; and
  • To introduce the SGCI Initiative to government, private sector, scientific and other key stakeholders in Rwanda and the Eastern Africa region.

Expected outputs of the regional meeting

  • Consensus is reached among national level stakeholders on regional STI policy priorities and a guiding framework for the judicious application of STI to accelerate the socio – economic development of the East African Community (EAC) region;
  • Inputs are received from the SGCs and CTAs on the draft Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) Framework
  • The CTAs have a clear understanding of their role in collecting data that feeds into the MEL Framework;
  • The draft SGCI Implementation Plan is further refined based on discussions among CTAs;
  • Participating SGCs are trained by SARIMA on the Fundamentals of Research Management.

Structure of the regional meeting

The first 2 days of the meeting (22nd and 23rd August) will be devoted to EASTECO specific agenda (see the concept note of EASTECO 1st Regional Stakeholder Meeting). Day 3 (24th August) will be devoted to the SGCI activities (presentation of the SGCI’s MEL Framework by the MEL consultant and presentations of the CTA projects). The last 2 days (25th and 26th August) will be dedicated to assessing the capacity strengthening needs/ interests of participating SGCs by the Southern Africa Research and Innovation Management Association (SARIMA) focusing on theme 1 (research management).



All Dates

  • From 22 Aug 2016 to 26 Aug 2016
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