Past Events


Workshop for African Policy makers/implementers on Climate Change Innovation systems for technology transfer.

24 May 2016
Tara Suites, Gigiri, Nairobi, Kenya

The roundtable has been organized by the Africa Sustainability Hub which is a networked research and knowledge exchange hub that convenes world leading experts on innovation systems and low carbon technology and development in Africa. The ASH is a partnership between the STEPS Centre at University of Sussex, the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), the Africa Technology and Policy Studies (ATPS) and ACTS, where the secretariat is hosted.
The roundtable will bring together key policy makers selected from the East African region and donors/development partners who have supported climate change strategies, actions and innovations in Africa. As a panelist you will be expected to share your experiences and insights on the challenges and opportunities for building innovation systems in Africa.

Prior to the roundtable (on 23rd March 2016), the policy makers will be trained on various aspects of building innovation systems at the same venue. Your participation in the roundtable will provide one of the first platforms for East African policy makers and their development partners to exchange ideas, experiences and challenges for building innovation systems for addressing climate change in the context of the sustainable development goals. We particularly hope that the discussion will assist policy makers in maximizing institutional and financial opportunities for building climate compatible innovation systems within their areas of work.


All Dates

  • 24 May 2016
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