Our Mission
Is to strengthen the capacity and policies of African countries and institutions to harness science, technology and innovation for sustainable development.
Exploring innovative strategies to improve the sustainability of the Kenya dairy industry
The workshop delved into techniques to add value to dairy processing sidestreams, such as whey from cheese production, turning them into profitable and environmentally friendly products.
Research Programmes
During this period (2022 - 2026), we will pursue five programmes. These programmes will be delivered through policy research, capacity building, policy engagement and knowledge brokerage as well as through the planned CJ Institute.
Latest Publications
We are committed to producing high quality policy and research outputs that inform our programmes and provokes debate on critical issues in African/global development.
Our Donors and Partners
Partnerships are fundamental to ACTS’s work. We partner with a wide range of donor agencies, universities, research organizations, governments and private sector to ensure that breakthroughs in Science Technology and innovation, Agriculture, Energy and Climate Change are adopted and brought to scale throughout the developing world. Without robust and effective partnerships, even the most groundbreaking innovations will fail to reach our stakeholders whose livelihoods our research aims to transform.
Signatories to the charter