Joel has worked for 15 years in research and management with a focus on science technology and innovation; climate change adaptation and mitigation, natural resources management, entrepreneurship and markets and sustainable development. Joel’s areas of expertise include project resourcing and management, investigation, strategic planning, sustainable development assessment; market and entrepreneurship analytics; capacity development and management; and innovation systems. Joel holds a DBA from Aoyama Business School, Tokyo, Japan with a focus on Entrepreneurship Development, and followed a PhD program at Wageningen University and IHE Delft Institute for Water Education on Aquatic Ecosystems. He received a post-doc through ACTS on governance of socio-technical transformation in collaboration with Harvard Kennedy School, UFZ-Leipzig, and University of Sussex; and on low emission development from Wageningen University. Joel is the current head of programme for Climate Resilient Economies, and the Director for Monitoring, Evaluation, Learning and Impact, at African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS).
Dr. Joel Onyango