Knowledge Systems Innovation project is a project funded by Department for International Development (DFID) and seeks to generate evidence on how Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) can work in the low and middle-income (LMI) countries: Kenya, Tanzania and Rwanda. This builds on the understanding and the need to invest in Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) capability as recognised by Africa Union’s Agenda 2063 and various country development visions.
To recommend a practical and context specific knowledge system concept for Kenya, Tanzania and Rwanda which is informed by appropriate international evidence of what works in innovation and research system approaches; and propose practical actions and recommendations for effective investments in science, technology and innovation by these countries and their partners.
- Identify barriers and enablers in what works and what doesn’t and why in Science Technology and Innovation.
- Describe the country knowledge system in Kenya, Tanzania and Rwanda with key constituencies and institutions; policy and regulatory frameworks and levels and sources of financing and the key elements or interactions that should drive innovation and research.
- Assess feasibility and advise on approach to set out the economic case for investment in STI for governments.
Outputs and expected outcomes
- Practical actions to strengthen the knowledge system in each country
- Recommendations to improve the impact of investments in science, technology and innovation
- An effective knowledge system that produces high quality higher education, research, innovation and new technologies and effective evidence-based policies aimed at driving human capital development and economic growth.
Project website: