Project Details

Community Based Adaption to Climate Change (CBAA)

START DATE: February, 2010



Climate Resilient Economies (CRE)
ACTS in partnership with colleagues in Eastern and Southern Africa, Europe and South Asia are undertaking an action research, testing tools for community adaptation, knowledge generation and capacity building project on Community-Based Adaptation to Climate Change in Africa (CBAA)....

Detailed description

ACTS in partnership with colleagues in Eastern and Southern Africa, Europe and South Asia are undertaking an action research, testing tools for community adaptation, knowledge generation and capacity building project on Community-Based Adaptation to Climate Change in Africa (CBAA).

It aims at helping communities in 8 African countries adapt to climate change and share lessons learnt from project activities with key stakeholders at local, national, regional and international levels to elicit their support for climate change adaptation.

This three- year action research project is being implemented with selected vulnerable communities in Kenya, Malawi, Sudan, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe. The project will identify ways of communicating climate information to poor and vulnerable communities, and from communities to other stakeholders. Capacity building and support will be given to NGOs and communities through training to facilitate integration of climate change into their plans and activities. The project is funded by IDRC –CCAA.

Through collaboration with relevant stakeholders (particularly meteorological services), communities have been selected using the Local Options for Communities to Adapt and Technologies to Enhance Capacity (LOCATE) methodology formerly known as South South North Adaptation Project Protocol (SSNAPP) which specifically targets groups most vulnerable to climate change. In project design, special consideration has been given to women, who are particularly vulnerable to climate change impacts.

Participatory and consultative approaches have and will continue being adopted and a learning-by-doing approach applied to reduce vulnerability to climate change at the community level through the application of adaptation knowledge, experience and technologies generated by this project.

The intermediary NGOs have been identified and are working with, and supporting the implementation of community level activities geared towards climate change adaptation.

The project has generated initial information on community based climate change adaptation and disseminated these to inform other stakeholders including researchers, NGOs, national and international policy and decision makers among others’.

Through the project, awareness on climate change to and among NGOs, local communities and researchers will be empowered to integrate, carry out, and generate information on climate change adaptation. Greater support for adaptation has been elicited among stakeholders.

Principal partners
  • Sudanese Environment Conservation Society- Sudan
  • Environmental Protection Management Services- Tanzania
  • Development Network for Indigenous Voluntary Association- Uganda
  • Coordination Unit for the Rehabilitation of the Environment- Malawi
  • Indigo development and change
  • Energy and Environmental Concerns – Zambia
  • ZERO Regional Environment Organization- Zimbabwe
  • International Institute for Environment and Development- United Kingdom
  • Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies- Bangladesh
  • Stockholm Environmental Institute – Sweden

CBAA Publications

Participatory Video for Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation (PV for PM&E) 2010
Issue papers below can be accessed here
Four issue papers were generated by South Africa team they include;

Gatekeeper Bulleting No 142

Community-Based Adaptation to Climate Change

CBA4: This publication contains abstracts (mainly in English, some in French) from papers presented at the fourth International Conference on Community-Based Adaptation to Climate Change which was held on 21-27 February 2010 in Dar es Salaam , Tanzania . The Conference was structured around plenary and technical sessions on a variety of important subject areas such as agriculture, water resources, and ecosystems to cross-cutting issues of policy, funding, and strengthening institutions. Nearly a hundred projects were showcased and demonstrate the sheer variety and innovation of current community-based projects. The projects are a resource for information sharing and learning

CBA5: The Fifth International Conference on Community-Based Adaptation (CBA), organized by the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) and Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies (BCAS), took place at the Sheraton Hotel in Dhaka, Bangladesh from Monday, 28 to Thursday, 31 March 2010. The conference was themed “Scaling Up: Beyond Pilots,” focusing on the need to spread CBA knowledge and practical lessons horizontally across communities and vertically across levels of governance and action.

Adaptation to Climate Change: A Vulnerability Assessment for Sudan by Sudan

Funding – Co funded by IDRC and DFID