Project Details

African Network for Economics of Learning, Innovation and Competence Building Systems (AfricaLics)

START DATE: March, 2012

On Going


Science, Technology & Innovation, Knowledge and Society (STIKS)
AfricaLics was launched in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, in March, 2012. The network’s objective is to promote the development of Science Technology and Innovation (STI), promote research capacity in Africa with strong links to users - including policy makers, private sector and communities....

Detailed description

AfricaLics was launched in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, in March,   2012. The network’s objective is to promote the development of Science Technology and Innovation (STI), promote research capacity in Africa with strong links to users – including policy makers, private sector and communities.

Africalics project seeks to strengthen sustainability within the context of growth and development in Africa. As the continent strives to adopt technologies for quality production, structural changes are eminent. This includes strengthening capacity development, competence building, and production and innovation systems. Sharing of external connections globally and building of synergies within Africa will serve to create a platform for sharing of knowledge and deliberation of challenges hampering technology transfer from the North and the West and its adoptability in Africa.

The project is envisaged to broaden the applicability of science, technology and innovations in productive systems articulating for knowledge in research arena for technical innovation and how this innovation stimulates economic thrive and social development.


The prime purpose of undertaking this project is to strengthen research capacity in the field of innovation and economic development in Africa.

Africalics network ultimate aim is to  contribute to capacity building in the specific field of innovation and economic development, both at the individual, institutional and country levels. This will allow African countries to design policies suitable and responsive to their own needs, and instigate corrective measures to ensure the smooth production, dissemination and use of knowledge for economic development, including poverty alleviation.


In order to make this project successful, several partnerships have been established linking donors, academia and research institutions among other stakeholders.

Other Regional Lics include: Cicalics  _ ChinaAsialics _ Asia , MedalicsLalics _ Latin America, Russianlics .

Funding: – SIDA