Project Details

Advancing Climate compatible development for food security through the implementation of national climate change strategies

START DATE: August, 2011



Climate Resilient Economies (CRE)
For many developing countries ensuring food security remains a key development challenge, often aggravated by climate change impacts....

Detailed description

For many developing countries ensuring food security remains a key development challenge, often aggravated by climate change impacts.

However, a number of governments that set-up national climate change strategies with the intention to improve conditions in the agricultural sector often find it difficult to address climate change mitigation, adaptation and food security elements in a synergy-oriented manner.

The question arises what kind of institutional set-up would be required to better address this challenge?

Germanwatch and Perspectives have coordinated this project in order to find a solution to this. Conceptually supporting policymakers and stakeholders in Kenya (African Centre for Technological Studies), Bangladesh (Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies) and Honduras (Fundacíon Vida), we have jointly developed a concept that can bring forward the pathway of climate resilience and low-carbon development in the agricultural sector, without jeopardizing food security.

Below you will find several documents that were developed in the course of the project:

Donor: Climate Development and Knowledge Network (CDKN)

Project period: 01/08/11- 16/08/13 (24 Months)

Geographical locations of the research: Global, Bangladesh, Honduras, Kenya

Implementing organizations: Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies (BCAS), Bangladesh, African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS), Kenya and Fundación Vida (FV), Honduras

Lead institutions:  Perspectives GmbH (PCC) and Germanwatch (GW), Germany