During this period (2022 – 2026), we will pursue five programmes. These programmes will be delivered through policy research, capacity building, policy engagement and knowledge brokerage as well as through the planned CJ Institute.
Start Date: 08 Aug 2023
Evidence for informing scaling and impact in youth and women led clean energy enterprises in Africa.
The informal small and medium enterprises (SMEs), irrespective of sectors that drive economic development in many African countries comprise of a significant population of women and youth or employees…
Start Date: 08 Aug 2023
Policies for Enhanced Transition to Sustainable Energy Systems In Kenya (2023 – 2024)
This is a partnership between the African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS) and the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI). This project is under the Climate Compatible Growth (CCG) Flexible Research Fund (FRF) …
Start Date: 08 Aug 2023
Driving Renewable Energy Growth in Kenya: Examining Policies and Pathways
Renewable energy has become a crucial pillar of Kenya’s power sector, contributing over 80% of the country’s electricity from sources like geothermal, hydro, wind, and solar power in 2021. With an awareness of the untapped potential, the Kenyan government aims to increase renewable electricity…
Start Date: 08 Aug 2023
Supporting Science Granting Councils to Fund and Manage Research and Innovation Projects
African countries increasingly recognize science, technology, and innovation (STI) as a key driver and enabler for achieving sustainable and inclusive socio-economic development. In view of the importance of STI in catalysing socio-economic development, Science Granting Councils (SGCs) play a critical role
Start Date: 08 Aug 2023
Transforming Climate Innovation Ecosystems through Inclusive Transdisciplinarity (TransCIIT)
Matching the climate entrepreneur’s needs with masters students’ expertise
Sub-Saharan African countries characterised by high poverty index, growing population, and increased pollution levels pose a significant danger of harsh realities of climate change…
Start Date: 08 Aug 2023
A Circular Bioeconomy for the Kenyan Dairy Sector (VALORISE)
A collaborative research project on the valorisation pathways for sidestreams in the Kenyan dairy industry – from less to more demanding pathways
The Global food system is the single largest driver of environmental change, contributing to 24% of global emissions and consuming 70% of the world’s blue water. At the same time 2 billion people are live with food insecurity.
What we Do
ACTS is currently implementing five programmes; policy research, capacity building, policy engagement and knowledge brokerage as well as the planned CJ Institute