STIKS motivations arise from past achievements of ACTS on STI policy research and training as well as three on-going multi-year projects. These are SGCI-2, Evi-Pol project (2020-2023), which seeks to strengthen the capacities of Science Governing Councils (SGCs) in SSA; AfricaLics (2012-2022) that focuses on understanding innovation and learning in the context of Africa, both from theoretical and practical perspectives; and the Transformative Innovation and the 4th Industrial Revolution for Sustainable Development (2019-2023) which aims to strengthen African scholarship for examining transformative innovation, and developing transformative innovation policy, in the context of the 4IR. The programme is looking into expanding its outreach, particularly in the area of eco-innovation and circularity and start-ups. The gender dynamics of STI will remain a cross-cutting aspect of the programme implementation.
The STIKS programme envisions an African continent that effectively creates and utilises research findings on the interplay between STI, knowledge and society to formulate development strategies, policies and practice. To achieve this vision, the programme undertakes key STI research and supports the development of a cadre of researchers, analysts, policy makers, entrepreneurs, businesses and communities in Africa on the interplay of STI, knowledge and society, specifically related to the African context. it focuses on use of evidence in STI policy making in Africa, innovation and development of postgraduates and academic professionals, mentorship and training for innovators/ entrepreneurs/ policy makers and civil society, promoting sustainable circular innovation, new technologies and implementation of STI roadmaps for SDGS.