Science, Technology & Innovation, Knowledge and Society (STIKS)

STIKS motivations arise from past achievements of ACTS on STI policy research and training as well as three on-going multi-year projects. These are SGCI-2, Evi-Pol project (2020-2023), which seeks to strengthen the capacities of Science Governing Councils (SGCs) in SSA; AfricaLics (2012-2022) that focuses on understanding innovation and learning in the context of Africa, both from theoretical and practical perspectives; and the Transformative Innovation and the 4th Industrial Revolution for Sustainable Development (2019-2023) which aims to strengthen African scholarship for examining transformative innovation, and developing transformative innovation policy, in the context of the 4IR. The programme is looking into expanding its outreach, particularly in the area of eco-innovation and circularity and start-ups. The gender dynamics of STI will remain a cross-cutting aspect of the programme implementation.

The STIKS programme envisions an African continent that effectively creates and utilises research findings on the interplay between STI, knowledge and society to formulate development strategies, policies and practice. To achieve this vision, the programme undertakes key STI research and supports the development of a cadre of researchers, analysts, policy makers, entrepreneurs, businesses and communities in Africa on the interplay of STI, knowledge and society, specifically related to the African context. it focuses on use of evidence in STI policy making in Africa, innovation and development of postgraduates and academic professionals, mentorship and training for innovators/ entrepreneurs/ policy makers and civil society, promoting sustainable circular innovation, new technologies and implementation of STI roadmaps for SDGS.

Science, Technology & Innovation, Knowledge and Society (STIKS) Projects

On Going

START DATE: January, 2024

Empowering Women Entrepreneurs in Kenya’s E-Mobility Sector

The transition to electric mobility (e-mobility) in Kenya holds transformative potential, not just for reducing emissions, but also for addressing gender inequality. …

On Going

START DATE: January, 2023

Evidence for informing optimization and scaling of youth and women-led clean energy enterprises (EVI-SICEE)

The project aims to foster sustainable development by generating evidence that supports the growth of youth and women-led clean energy enterprises (CEEs) across Sub-Saharan Africa. …


START DATE: January, 2020

Science Technology and Innovation (STI) Metrics

Developing contextual STI data at the continental level is key for effective decision making. In this context, the project, “Assessment of science, technology and innovation (STI) metrics in Africa” represents …


START DATE: January, 2019

Knowledge Systems Innovation (KSI) project

Knowledge Systems Innovation project is a project funded by Department for International Development (DFID) and seeks to generate evidence on how Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) can work in the …


START DATE: January, 2019

Supporting STEM research cultures in Africa – Building institutional capacity for computing research in Kenya

Implementing institutions : California Polytechnic State University (Cal Poly), USA and African Centre for Technology Studies, Nairobi Kenya …

On Going

START DATE: March, 2012

African Network for Economics of Learning, Innovation and Competence Building Systems (AfricaLics)

AfricaLics was launched in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, in March, 2012. The network’s objective is to promote the development of Science Technology and Innovation (STI), promote research capacity in Africa …


START DATE: March, 2017

Science Granting Councils Initiative (SGCI) Phase 1

ACTS was contracted by the Canadian International Development Research Council (IDRC) to work with 15 African Science Granting Councils (SGCs) to strengthen collaboration between councils and with the private sector. …


START DATE: May, 2012

Industrial Productivity, Health sector performance & policy synergies for inclusive growth: Study in Kenya & Tanzania

This project studies the supply chains of essential medicines and medical equipment and supplies from local industries and imports into the health systems in Tanzania and Kenya. …

On Going

START DATE: November, 2023

Transforming Climate Innovation Ecosystems through Inclusive Transdisciplinarity (TransCIIT)

Matching the climate entrepreneur’s needs with masters students’ expertise. Sub-Saharan African countries characterised by high poverty index, growing population, and increased pollution levels pose a significant danger of harsh realities …

On Going

START DATE: July, 2023

Supporting Science Granting Councils to Fund and Manage Research and Innovation Projects

African countries increasingly recognize science, technology, and innovation (STI) as a key driver and enabler for achieving sustainable and inclusive socio-economic development. In view of the importance of STI in …
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Gender, Youth and Inclusive Development (GYID)

The ACTS AI Institute (ACAII)

Science, Technology & Innovation, Knowledge and Society (STIKS)

Climate Resilient Economies (CRE)

Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Security (AFNS)