Climate Resilient Economies (CRE)

Globally, climate change remains a big challenge to humanity and its impacts are vast, interlinked and widely documented. These impacts vary across regions, with developing countries bearing the heaviest brunt. Africa is particularly vulnerable to climate change due to a combination of factors, including: 

  1. Heavy dependence of livelihoods and economic activities on rain-fed agriculture; 
  2. Natural fragility of its ecosystems (degradation and desertification accounts for 67 percent of Africa’s surface area); 
  3. Poorly developed infrastructure (especially water, energy, ICT and transport) that can hardly survive extreme weather events such as floods and drought; and 
  4. Weak economies, relatively lacking in financial and technological resources for climate adaptation and mitigation. 

The programme provides policy choices that support the generation, uptake and harnessing of climate change-related STI for sustainable and diversified livelihoods, socio-economic development and biodiversity conservation in Africa. Through these efforts, the programme expects to create an inclusive, pro-poor and thriving climate change resilient economies for economic, social and environmental sustainability in Africa. In addition, the programme is keen on supporting development of enabling capacities, policies, organisations and institutions for harnessing applications of climate change-related sciences, technologies and innovations for energy access and security, water quality and security, biodiversity and natural resource management in Africa by mobilising resources and funds for building climate-resilient economies.

Climate Resilient Economies (CRE) Projects

On Going

START DATE: January, 2022

Capacity Strengthening Hub (CS Hub) Project

The Climate Adaptation and Resilience (CLARE) research programme is an initiative co-designed and jointly funded by the United Kingdom (UK) Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) and Canada’s International Development …


START DATE: January, 2022

The capacity building of technical institutions in the provision of climate education, training, and research (CapCET)

Capacity building initiatives aim to enhance knowledge sharing and coordination and their results are evident globally, regionally, and nationally. …


START DATE: January, 2020

A Systems approach to air pollution (ASAP)

ASAP brings together leading UK, Kenya, Uganda and Ethiopia researchers in air pollution, urban planning, economic geography, public health, social sciences and development studies to provide a framework for improved …


START DATE: January, 2016

Nairobi Risk Hub (Tomorrow’s Cities; Urban risk in Transition)

The Nairobi risk hub project is part of the larger Urban Disaster Risk Hub (Tomorrow’s Cities). it is a five-year global interdisciplinary research hub funded by UK Research and Innovation …


START DATE: January, 2021

Modern Energy Cooking Services (MECS)

The aim of MECS project is to catalyse the transformation of clean cooking through technological, institutional and market innovations that enable long-term use of MECS to generate inclusive environmental and …


START DATE: January, 2019

The Governance of Social-Technical Transformations (GOST) Project

The project will focus on transformation processes in three areas of crucial relevance to sustainable development, relating in particular to pressing imperatives in countries of the Global South: energy systems, …


START DATE: January, 2017

Shaping African Cities

The project looks into the role of disasters including air quality in contributing to environmental and livelihood sustainability and how best to manage air quality in a manner that reduces …


START DATE: August, 2017

Sharing Lessons and Experiences from the Understanding Sustainable Energy Solutions (USES) research programme

Clean and sustainable energy for all is a major low carbon development indicator for developing countries who are seeking climate compatible development options. Access to clean energy is a key …


START DATE: January, 2019

Making Climate Finance Work for Africa: Using NDCs to Leverage Climate Finance for Innovation System Building

Climate change finance mechanisms such as the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) were previously designed in ways that would only benefit large developing countries like China and India that have enhanced …


START DATE: January, 2016

Transformative Pathways to Sustainability: learning across disciplines, contexts and cultures (PATHWAYS)

Transformative Pathways to Sustainability: learning across disciplines, contexts and cultures (PATHWAYS) …


START DATE: July, 2015

Ecosystem Based Adaptation for Food Security Assembly (EBAFOSA)

EBAFOSA was created following the unanimous adoption of the Nairobi Action Agenda and the constitution of the EBAFOSA by over 1200 delegates drawn from government and policy, the private sector, …


START DATE: January, 2015

Innovation and Renewable Electrification in Kenya (IREK)

As the global climate change regime moves ahead towards 2020, there will be increasing investments related to climate change mitigation and adaptation in poor countries. Ensuring that the most adequate …


START DATE: January, 2018

Gender and social inclusivity in renewable energy in Makueni and Kisumu counties: mapping of investments, adoption and use of renewable energy

This research looks at investments, adoption and use of renewable energy in Makueni and Kisumu counties. It focuses on mapping of investments, adoption and use through the lens of gender …


START DATE: January, 2015

Low cost energy-efficient products for the bottom of the pyramid

It’s not energy access that is key to changing people’s lives but how people use that energy that’s important In recent years, we have seen an increase in activity to …


START DATE: January, 2013

The Kenya Climate Science, Technology and Policy Roundtable

This project seeks to bridge the gap between research and policy making in climate change in Kenya and to strengthen the links between Kenyan climate policymakers, researchers and think tanks. …


START DATE: August, 2011

Advancing Climate compatible development for food security through the implementation of national climate change strategies

For many developing countries ensuring food security remains a key development challenge, often aggravated by climate change impacts. …


START DATE: January, 2012

East Africa Climate Innovation Network (EACIN)

EACIN is a network of technology institutions, entrepreneurs, business incubators and other partners within the East African Community that support the development of businesses and market for climate technologies. …


START DATE: October, 2012

Piloting scalable models for clean energy access

This is an action-research project being undertaken by ACTS through the DFID-TERI partnership. It Started in Oct 2012 and is expected to end in July 2015. The aim is to …


START DATE: March, 2013

Empowering People and Nature – Greening the Fisheries

This project has been initiated by ACTS and Environment Liaison Centre International (ELCI) under the theme “greening the fisheries”. It was supported through ELCI and although it was initiated between …


START DATE: January, 2010

Trans-boundary Water Management Training (TWM)

The Integrated Transboundary Water Resources Management for the Lake Victoria Basin is a training programme targeting middle to high level personnel working on water issues that are Transboundary in nature. …


START DATE: January, 2010

Policy Innovation Systems for Clean Energy Security (PISCES)

The PISCES project was a 5-year initiative funded by DfiD that kicked off in 2007 up to June 2012. PISCES was granted an 18 months extension in 2012 that came …


START DATE: February, 2010

Community Based Adaption to Climate Change (CBAA)

ACTS in partnership with colleagues in Eastern and Southern Africa, Europe and South Asia are undertaking an action research, testing tools for community adaptation, knowledge generation and capacity building project …


START DATE: January, 2004

Capacity Strengthening in Least Developed Countries (LDCs) for Adaptation to Climate Change (CLACC)

CLACC has been a capacity building global programme targeting the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and aims to strengthen their efforts to adapt to the unprecedented impacts of climate change linked …


START DATE: July, 2011

Integrating Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change into Sustainable Development Policy Planning and Implementation in Eastern and Southern Africa (ACCESA)

Climate change is affecting all countries, but Least Developed Countries and other vulnerable developing countries are expected to be hit earliest and hardest. …


START DATE: January, 2010

The WeAdapt Google project

WeADAPT, spearheaded by the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), is a network of organizations working on climate change adaptation. The project seeks to collaboratively develop and pool expertise on climate change …


START DATE: October, 2010

Training for Innovation in East Africa

In Kenya and other East African countries, there is a huge impetus to innovate in a context of uncertainty – in the world economy, climate change and human security. Innovation …

On Going

START DATE: September, 2023

Decoloniality book project

Methodological design is integral to research and similar endeavors in pursuit of new knowledge. And whereas existing methodologies help standardize research approaches, their adoption, application and utility of associated findings …


START DATE: December, 2021

Governing SDG Interactions Project

Numerous governments, businesses, and civil society organisations aim to contribute to achieving the 17 Sustainable Development Goals in the global South. However, cherry-picking SDGs coupled with lack of alignment between …

On Going

START DATE: August, 2023

Driving Renewable Energy Growth in Kenya: Examining Policies and Pathways

Renewable energy has become a crucial pillar of Kenya’s power sector, contributing over 80% of the country’s electricity from sources like geothermal, hydro, wind, and solar power in 2021. With …

On Going

START DATE: March, 2024

Policies for Enhanced Transition to Sustainable Energy Systems In Kenya (2023 – 2024)

This is a partnership between the African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS) and the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI). This project is under the Climate Compatible Growth (CCG) Flexible Research Fund …

On Going

START DATE: November, 2023

Evidence for informing scaling and impact in youth and women led clean energy enterprises in Africa.

The informal small and medium enterprises (SMEs), irrespective of sectors that drive economic development in many African countries comprise of a significant population of women and youth or employees. This …
Load More Projects

Gender, Youth and Inclusive Development (GYID)

The ACTS AI Institute (ACAII)

Science, Technology & Innovation, Knowledge and Society (STIKS)

Climate Resilient Economies (CRE)

Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Security (AFNS)