Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Security (AFNS)

This programme strives to develop a world-class programme that contributes to the efforts of the national development ambition, the African Union (AU) agenda, 2063 and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to enhance food and nutrition security and improve livelihoods through harnessing STI for sustainable and inclusive agri-food systems. AFNS is focused accelerating sustainable, inclusive agri-food systems’ transformation for food and nutrition security through cutting-edge STI-focused, policy-relevant research and knowledge brokerage. The programme contributes to the efforts of the African Union (AU) and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to enhance food and nutrition security and improve livelihoods in Africa through harnessing STI for sustainable and inclusive agri-food systems. Activities under the AFNS programme are motivated by food insecurity, undernourishment and dietary transitions; impact of climate change and other emerging shocks on resilience of agri-food system; regionalisation and agri-food systems’ transformation through trade; and the challenge of post-harvest loss and waste and the imperative to accelerate sustainable agro-industry.

Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Security (AFNS) Projects


START DATE: January, 2017

Horticultural Innovation and Learning for Improved Nutrition and Livelihood in East Africa (HORTINLEA)

Humboldt University in Berlin, Germany and partners in East Africa implemented a project entitled “Diversifying food systems: Horticultural Innovations and Learning for Improved Nutrition and Livelihood in East Africa” (HORTINLEA). …


START DATE: October, 2017

Inclusive low-emission development: East African Dairy

This research project “Multiple pathways and inclusive low emission development: navigating towards leverage points in the East-African dairy sector” identifies and analyses institutional conditions for scaling low-emission development dairy interventions …


START DATE: January, 2018

3R Kenya Project

The 3R (robust, reliable resilient)- from ‘Aid to Trade’ project is a 3.5 years initiative implemented by Wageningen University & Research, in the Netherlands in collaboration with various Kenya partner …


START DATE: March, 2017

SALSA -Small Farms, Small Food Businesses and Sustainable Food Security

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 677363. SALSA aims to provide a better understanding of the current …


START DATE: January, 2014

Energy Smart Food for People and Climate project

African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS) is working with FAO to identify the linkages between energy access and food losses in low-income countries in Sub- Saharan Africa (SSA) and to …


START DATE: January, 2005

International Assessment for Agricultural Science & Technology Development (IAASTD)

IAASTD was initiated in 2002 by the World Bank and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations as a global consultative process to determine whether an international …


START DATE: March, 2012

Disability and Urban Agriculture – An Innovative Approach

The Centre collaborated with Leonard Chesire Disability and Inclusive Development Centre, University College London (UCL) and Real Impact to carry out research to explore the livelihoods of persons with disability …

On Going

START DATE: October, 2023

A Circular Bioeconomy for the Kenyan Dairy Sector (VALORISE)

A collaborative research project on the valorisation pathways for sidestreams in the Kenyan dairy industry – from less to more demanding pathways The Global food system is the single largest …
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Gender, Youth and Inclusive Development (GYID)

The ACTS AI Institute (ACAII)

Science, Technology & Innovation, Knowledge and Society (STIKS)

Climate Resilient Economies (CRE)

Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Security (AFNS)