& Opinion Editorials

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Foresight Africa

Additional funds for Visiting Fellowship Programme

Foresight Africa

How the BE project is using inclusive business models to empower coastal women in Kenya

Foresight Africa

ACTS-led consortium wins bid to establish Green Digital Innovation Hub in Kenya

Foresight Africa

ACTS Pathways Academy: a new model of professional and executive training in Africa

Foresight Africa

Pioneering innovation and progress in Africa

Foresight Africa

Reflections on Focus – Group Discussion on the Matchmaking Experience: Transforming Climate Innovation Ecosystems through Inclusive Transdisciplinarity (TransCIIT, Phase 3) project

Foresight Africa

Climate Change and Mental Health – Role of the Youth

Foresight Africa

Training the best AI brains in Africa

Foresight Africa

Detecting Crop Diseases Using Mobile Application

Foresight Africa

The Potential of Innovative Financial Instruments for Climate Change Adaptation

Foresight Africa

Professional match-making: an opportunity to advance students’ and entrepreneurs’ trajectories

Foresight Africa

A road less travelled? Reflections on a journey with climate innovation entrepreneurs and students

Foresight Africa

Reflections on the TransCIIT Showcase Event

Foresight Africa

Reflections on TransCIIT Matched Project Outcomes

Foresight Africa

Reflections on the entrepreneur survey