NDC Explorer: Online Tool Makes Climate Action Plans More Comparable and Transparent

Bonn (16/01/2017). The German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) and its partners are making the national climate action plans submitted under the Paris Climate Change Agreement more comparable with the help of an interactive tool on climate action and policy: the NDC Explorer.

In 2013, the parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) decided that every member state should formulate its concrete national contribution to address climate change, the (I)NDCs.

”The (I)NDCs are a cornerstone for implementing the Paris Agreement”, says Pieter Pauw who led the development of the NDC Explorer at DIE. “But apart from countries’ general mitigation targets, the content of (intended) Nationally Determined Contributions has long been unclear.” A crucial hindrance to the international climate action process, as Claudio Forner at the UNFCCC secretariat underlines: “Understanding NDCs and navigating the information that is communicated in NDCs is critical for their implementation and will help to enhance the ambition of global efforts over time.”

Together with partners from the African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS), the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), in cooperation with the UNFCCC secretariat, and supported by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), we analysed all aspects of the 163 submitted (I)NDCs. This data is now accessible in the new NDC Explorer to enable researchers, policy makers, development agencies and civil society organisations to explore and compare all submitted national climate action plans.

“The NDC Explorer contributes to the goal of the NDC Partnership to provide open-access knowledge tools that support the global efforts for effective and ambitious NDC implementation”, Ingrid-Gabriela Hoven, Director General Global issues – sector policies and programmes at the BMZ, states. Christoph Bals, Policy Director at Germanwatch, adds:  “(It) makes our job easier of holding governments to account, so they implement and improve their NDCs.”

We warmly invite you to visit: klimalog.die-gdi.de/ndc

This is what you can expect from the new NDC Explorer:

  • Explore an analysis of all (I)NDCs on 60 different categories like mitigation, adaption and finance
  • Visualise the data on an interactive world map
  • Visualise the data in interactive bar graphs
  • Compare (I)NDCs by region and by income
  • Compare full country profiles of up to three countries
  • Share what you see in social media or via email.
  • Download customised world maps and bar graphs for presentations and publications

Click here for a video demonstrating the NDC Explorer.

You have questions, remarks or feedback? You would like to share your NDC Explorer story with us? Feel warmly welcomed to contact us!


Pieter Pauw

Leading researcher and tool developer


Tanja Beck

Communication Department


+49 (0)228 94927-227

The NDC Explorer was developed by:

Pauw, W.P, Cassanmagnano, D., Mbeva, K., Hein, J., Guarin, A., Brandi, C., Dzebo, A., Bock, T., Helms, J., Zalewski, A., Frommé. E., Lindener, A., Muhammad, D. (2016). NDC Explorer. Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS) and Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI). DOI: 10.23661/ndc_explorer_2016_1.0

What are the (I)NDCs?

In 2013, the parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) decided that every member state would submit an ‘Intended Nationally Determined Contribution’ (INDC). Countries based their INDCs on their specific national priorities, circumstances, and capabilities. The INDCs proved to be a cornerstone to reach the Paris Agreement. Every party that ratifies the Paris Agreement is invited to turn its INDC into a Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC).

First and foremost, (I)NDCs intend to increase the ambition to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions, by outlining countries ‘contributions’. However, most countries also use the opportunity to write about other priorities and ambitions, such as adaptation and finance needs. Countries also used their (I)NDC to highlight other important issues, such as fossil fuel subsidy reform or linkages to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

About DIE and its partners:

The German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) builds bridges between theory and practice. It is one of the leading Think Tanks for development policy world-wide, based in the UN City of Bonn and headed by Dirk Messner (Director) and Imme Scholz (Deputy Director).  Its “Klimalog” project investigates key issues of international climate politics and facilitates dialogue between actors in politics, academia, civil society and the private sector for a climate-smart and just transformation.

The African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS) is a pioneering development research think tank focused on harnessing applications of science, technology and innovation policies for sustainable development in Africa. ACTS is an Intergovernmental organization founded in 1988 to pursue policy oriented research towards strengthening the capacity of African countries and institutions to harness science and technology for sustainable development.  ACTS envisions a sustainable economic, social and environmental future for Africa, through science, technology and innovation.

The Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) is an international non-profit research organization that has worked with environment and development issues from local to global policy levels for more than a quarter of a century. SEI works to shift policy and practice towards sustainability.