ACTS has been commissioned by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) to map out the innovation ecosystem in Kenya.
Through its Accelerator Lab, UNDP is working with Konza Technopolis to support and scale up local innovations in Kenya. The two partners are part of the SDG Accelerator Lab, which is a multi-sectoral platform that brings together government, development partners, academia, civil society, private sector, and communities to accelerate and stimulate innovation ecosystem towards growth and development.
The mapping aims to identify opportunities for collaboration, learning and investment, and the challenges that need to be addressed to accelerate the growth and development of local innovators across the country. Evidence generated through this survey will be invaluable in preparing appropriate interventions to enhance the growth of the Kenyan innovation ecosystem.
Specifically, the study aims to establish the status of the Kenyan innovation ecosystem – characteristics, organisation (players and actors), challenges, and opportunities; identify key levers and approaches on how to stimulate the sector for more economic growth towards achieving key development agenda items (SDGs, Vision 2030), including requisite skill sets, partnerships, and resources and highlight emerging themes and opportunities for collaboration, partnership and cross-learning.