Traversing economic, agricultural and health sectors, Artificial Intelligence (AI) based solutions are redefining how we diagnose and solve common and pervasive challenges across the continent.
A growing cadre of African scholars are increasingly tapping into the power of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to solve common sector-based challenges facing the continent. Supported by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) through the Artificial Intelligence for Development in Africa (AI4D Africa) programme, the scholars are creating new footprints in the continetnts’ AI landscape.
A sample of the AI and ML based technological solutions being developed under the programme provide solid grounds for optimism in the capacity of African scholars to identify and develop technology based solutions to common challenges. AI4D Africa is implemented by ACTS as the lead partner. Below are testimonies from AI4D Africa scholars.
AI can solve Africa’s challenges
Elias Sime, AI4D Africa beneficiary, Bahir DarUniversity, Ethiopia
Artificial intelligence and machine learning is important in solving Africa’s problems because it can address issues that are difficult to solve with conventional sciences that are non-linear and complex. Africa should enhance expertise on artificial intelligence by giving special attention to women and providing special training on AI and Ml. One of the major challenges facing PhD candidates in Ethiopia and in many countries of Africa is financial limitation. Due to this problem, many PhD candidates are forced to change their research interest, withdraw from their PhD program or take longer time than normal to finish their PhD. I thank IDR/SIDA for their support and advice students especially women to get acquainted with the science of AI and ML through training or self-learning.
We need to support women in AI
CMahadia Tunga, AI4D Africa beneficiary, University of Dar-es-Salaam (UDSM), Tanzania
Africa has clearly limited expertise on artificial intelligence especially women, less than 30% of the workforce in data and AI-related jobs are women. To solve this challenge in Africa, we need to work on mindset change. Cultural settings are the root cause, most STEM books at lower levels of education portray engineers and related science professionals as men. We need to intervene by inclusive educational programs and a conducive working environment for women in technology. The grant from IDRC/SIDA is helping me to focus on my research agenda, expose to AI professional programmes, and grow my research network. The capacity development programs will help me to enhance my research skills in AI. Without this program, I would not be able to access professional programs from abroad which are not available in my country.
AI is a powerful tool for Africa
Calmette Ariane, AI4D Africa beneficiary, University of Abomey-Calavi Benin
Artificial intelligence is a powerful tool that has been proving its worth all over the world in recent years. Thanks to artificial intelligence, the most challenges that affect Africa, as well as the growth and development of certain key sectors, can be addressed. Indeed, with the concept of “smart agriculture”, will be practiced more efficiently, which will increase yields. Similarly, in the health sector, health care will be more responsive, of better quality, and more accessible, leading to better outcomes. In addition, public services will be more effective and responsive to citizens, increasing their impact. Financial services will be safer and reach more citizens in need, expanding access. Finally, there will be more opportunities for people to participate in the development of their communities, as well as to learn and grow. I thank IDRC/SIDA for their support. For those keen on pursuing courses on AI and ML especially women, I would tell them to have a lot of ambition, think about a key problem that they can solve with AI and ML, and then go ahead because AI and ML are the future of Africa.
Africa must develop AI talent
Gloria Tahi, AI4D Africa beneficiary, University of Abomey-Calavi, Benin
Artificial intelligence is an opportunity to develop Africa’s competitiveness. AI can help solve the economic problems facing Africa. African national champions can find ways to develop AI talent by partnering with global educational institutions for this purpose. Africa faces several known challenges in AI development, such as lack of investment, scarcity of specialised talent, and lack of access to the latest global research. These obstacles are being overcome, albeit slowly, thanks to African ingenuity and investments by multinational companies, all of which have opened AI labs in Africa. Innovative forms of cross-continental collaboration, which fosters a community of AI researchers in Africa, and Zindi, a platform that challenges African data scientists to solve the continent’s toughest problems, are gaining traction, supported by the recent “homecoming” of several globally trained African AI experts. I thank IDRC/SIDA for the opportunity they have given me. Their grant will help solve a major problem related to agriculture in West Africa. And advice those keen on pursuing courses on AI and AL especially women to ask the right questions; Take a longterm approach; Fill the gaps in skills; put people at the heart of the strategy; and work in a multidisciplinary team.