Coming Soon: Book on decolonising knowledge and learning systems in the Global South

ACTS is coordinating publication of a new book on decolonising knowledge and learning systems in the Global South.

This book will explore knowledge and learning systems and the current efforts to decolonize these systems in the Global South and beyond. The book calls for a re-focus on how knowledge production occurs arguing for resistance of eurocentrism that pervades academics, theory and the development of concepts, deconstruction of what is considered as ‘true knowledge’; a diversification of knowledge particularly by focusing on the producers of this knowledge prioritising Global South knowledges and content to feed global learnings; embracing of different methodologies for knowledge production to inform policy decisions and wider political debates to enable learning, enhance practice and nurture more emancipative outcomes in the Global South.

With current struggles to decolonise education, the book re-examines and reorients the language of knowledge production and consumption, curricula design and delivery and lastly explores new and alternative approaches emerging to support learning in a ‘context-sensitive’ way.