Category News

Kenya-UK partnership on emerging technologies

This collaboration between academic institutions and researchers from Kenya and the UK aims to establish a robust framework for AI research and innovation that will guide the creation of the Kenya Emerging Tech Institute and Action Lab. Kenya has been…

Lifetime Excellence Award for Prof. Calestous Juma

Prof. Calestous Juma, who founded ACTS in 1988, has been honored with a Lifetime Excellence Award. He was among key visionaries who were honored for making significant contributions to the world of Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) as a tool…

Cold-chain foundation course held at ICIPE

The inaugural cold-chain foundation course was held on May 20th – 24th at ICIPE campus. The training program aimed to contribute to capacity strengthening on cold-chain logistics in the agri-food and health sectors. The course attracted participants from government agencies,…

Bridging the climate research-action gap

Despite a wealth of data and insights from climate scientists, translating these findings into tangible steps remains a daunting challenge. Participants engage in a group discussions during the knowledge brokering workshop focusing on bridging the gap between climate research and…

AFNS hosts farmers’ business forum for SPOKE Project

The AFNS Programmes and Kiriita Dairy Cooperative hosted the farmers’ business forum in Lari Sub-County, Kiambu County on 14 May 2023. The event aimed to address critical challenges faced by local farmers. The discussions primarily focused on issues such as…

New cohort of AfricaLics 2024 visiting fellows (VFP)

Four PhD students – One female and three male – have been selected to take part in this year’s AfricaLics Visiting Fellowship Programme (VFP). The successful candidates were selected from a pool of 84 applicants by a distinguished committee comprising…

Fund to support STI policy engagement in Africa

By encouraging participation from diverse stakeholders – academia, private sector, civil society and the general public – Science Granting Councils (SGCs) can tap into a wealth of knowledge, expertise and experiences, enriching the policy-making process. Heads of Science Granting Councils…

Bridging the knowledge-action gap in STI

ACTS is at the forefront of generating and translating knowledge into action to spur sustainable development The late Prof. Calestous Juma, who founded ACTS in 1988, and a renowned Harvard University professor and champion of STI in Africa, succinctly encapsulates…

New Guidelines for off-grid refrigeration and ceiling fans launched

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory have launched two new Model Quality and Performance Guidelines for Off-Grid Refrigerating Appliances and Model Regulation Guidelines for Energy-Efficient Ceiling Fans These guidelines were launched on October 22, 2023…

ACTS Press to publish a new book on research methods

The book covers research approaches used in major disciplines such as natural sciences, humanities, education and economics. A new book on research methods and scientific communication will soon roll of the ACTS Press. The book, Research Methods and Scientific Communication:…

ACTS explores setting up office at Konza hub

As a research, policy and technology-oriented organization, Konza Technopolis provides an ideal location for ACTS to actualise its mission of strengthening the capacity of African countries and institutions to harness science, technology and innovation for sustainable and inclusive development. Members…

A project on water resource management kicks off

ACTS is among three Kenyan organisations selected to implement the Trans-Path project on learning and management of water resources. The new project sets out to establish an international network of academics, postgraduate researchers, policy makers, activists, and water stewards for…

Ethiopian Minister of Technology meets ACTS team

ACTS was represented by the Executive Director, Prof. Tom Ogada and the head of the Science, Technology & Innovation, Knowledge and Society (STIKS) programme, Dr Agnes Lutomiah. Ethiopia’s Minister of Technology and Innovation, Dr Belete Molla (left) when they met…

Master’s degree on AI and machine learning

A committee has already been constituted to coordinate the process of developing a curriculum and put in place the necessary structures to actualize the idea. The AI4D Africa Scholarship network has started the process of launching a new master’s degree…

Promoting a new agricultural technology in East Africa

ACTS in collaboration with the Centre for Research in Energy and Energy Conservation (CREEC) is promoting adoption of a relatively new agricultural technology – Agrivoltaics Agrivoltaics, also known as agrophotovoltaics, is a method of combining agriculture and solar energy production…

Multi-criteria mapping for the Blue Empowerment project

Multi-criteria mapping involves comparing and analyzing different options based on a set of pre-defined criteria, which could include cost, time, quality, risks, resources and stakeholder preferences. Participants of the multi-criteria mapping workshop under the Blue Empowerment project pose for a…

AI4D Africa project holds Summer School in Mombasa

ACTS Executive Director, Prof. Tom Ogada, implored AI4D Africa scholars to focus on completion of their PhD studies and strive to generate new knowledge on AI and ML to address key socio-economic challenges facing the continent. The AI4D Africa Scholarship…

AfricaLics holds 5th conference for early career researchers

The conference provided a platform for early career researchers to develop their presentation and networking skills while building collaborative relationships with other researchers. The impact of COVID coupled with undesirable environmental and social effects – including climate change and excessive…

Learning consolidation workshop for SGCI held in Ghana

The workshop was meant to provide an opportunity for the Science Granting Councils (SGC), collaborative technical agencies (CTAs) and relevant stakeholders to share experiences and lessons learnt from the activities of SGCI-2. ACTS and Ghana’s Ministry of Environment, Science, Technology,…

Strengthening trans-disciplinary research in Africa

ACTS is at the centre of an initiative that seeks to strengthen the capacity for trans-disciplinary research in Africa. Under the umbrella of the Consortium for Trans-disciplinary Futures Research (CTFR), the initiative aims to strengthen collaboration among the African universities,…

East Africa leads in adoption of digital Agri-Technology

According to a recent survey conducted by ACTS, Eastern Africa is leading in the adoption and deployment of digital agricultural technologies in the continent. Findings of the survey, which sampled 34 producer organizations across 9 African countries, reveal that East…

A new research initiative for Science Granting Councils

ACTS has begun implementing a new programme to support Science Granting Councils (SGCs) in managing research and innovation projects in Africa. The three year programme aims to strengthen the capacities of SGCs to fund and manage research and innovation projects…

Unlocking the power of knowledge

The African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS) believes that research, capacity building and policy incentives are key drivers of knowledge creation, dissemination and application. Generating new knowledge, enhancing the skills of individuals and organizations, and creating a supportive policy environment…

Creating new footprints in the sands of Africa’s STI

ACTS will support the development of a cadre of Africa-centred researchers, analysts and policy makers on STI, knowledge and society, knowledge utilisation, technology transfer, intellectual property, STI roadmaps for SDGs and evaluation of the impact of STI on the development…

A new transformative policy framework for STI in the offing

Policymakers in Africa will soon have a new framework to guide them in formulating, implementing, monitoring and evaluating policy interventions. The framework is expected to foster environmental sustainability, achieve more equitable income distribution and meet other social challenges, particularly for…

Exploring new ways of re-using wastes in the dairy sector

The research initiative – Valorise – will focus on finding efficient ways through which organic wastes resulting from dairy production processes can easily be converted into useful products. A cross-section of participants during the Valorise project workshop held in Nairobi,…

The 2nd cohort of AI4D Africa scholars onboarded

The second cohort of 9 Artificial Intelligence for Development in Africa (AI4D Africa) scholarship programme are now on board. This brings the total number of scholars in the programme to 30, including 16 who joined in the first cohort. It…

The 8th AfricaLics PhD Academy held in Nairobi

The AfricaLics PhD Academy provides an opportunity for PhD students enrolled at African universities who work in the field of innovation and development studies to gain more knowledge of this burgeoning field, meet leading academics and receive feedback on their…

How ACTS is driving sustainable cooling solutions in Kenya

The Centre is working closely with government agencies, development partners and the private sector to accelerate transition to inclusive sustainable and resilient cold-chains by tapping into clean energy options and refrigeration. Dr. Catherine Kilelu, ACTS’ head of Agriculture, Food and…

Shifting Africa’s research, policy and practice paradigm

The African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS) is subtly shifting Africa’s research-policy-practice paradigm in science, technology and innovation (STI). This shift is characterised by re-designing policy frameworks related to STI, building the capacity of relevant actors and bridging the gap…

ACTS’ new strategic plan

ACTS is set to unveil a new strategic plan for the period 2022-2026. This is the seventh strategic plan (2022-2026) which builds on the achievements and lessons learned from the sixth strategic plan (2019-2021). A mid-term evaluation of the sixth…

Expanding the boundaries of Artificial Intelligence in Africa

Traversing economic, agricultural and health sectors, Artificial Intelligence (AI) based solutions are redefining how we diagnose and solve common and pervasive challenges across the continent. A growing cadre of African scholars are increasingly tapping into the power of artificial intelligence…

New project to empower fisher women kicks off

The project will profile and document gender responsive challenges and opportunities for commercial and sustainable adoption of fish-seaweeds for economic development of coastal fisher communities. ACTS is spearheading a new project that aims to empower women in Kenya’s coastal region…

STIKS programme hosts two Master’s students

The STIKS programme hosted two Master’s students, Ludvig Söderbom and Sanjidul Huda from Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden . During the two months stay, the students worked closely with Dr.Ann Kingiri, Dr. Agnes Lutomiah and Mr. Josephat Okemwa in understanding…

PhD Visiting Fellowship Programme (VFP)

The VFP fellowships offer opportunities for PhD and postdoctoral students from low income and low-middle income African countries. The programme will now receive additional training and capacity building support at Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology (JOOUST), Kenya…

ACTS and UNEP to conduct cold chain baseline study

The World Bank has commissioned ACTS and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) to conduct a baseline study on the cooling and cold chain sector in Kenya and Malawi. The baseline studies are primarily intended to provide country specific baseline…

2nd Calestous Juma seminar series held

The seminar provided an ideal platform for experts to share their work and expertise with special focus on science, technology and innovation and how they are aligned with SDGs. The 2nd Calestous Juma Seminar Series themed ‘Steering Science, Technology and…

Mapping innovation ecosystem in Kenya

ACTS has been commissioned by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) to map out the innovation ecosystem in Kenya. Through its Accelerator Lab, UNDP is working with Konza Technopolis to support and scale up local innovations in Kenya. The two…

Project to Deconstruct Research Methodologies

A team of research experts from ACTS are part of a project working towards exploring alternative methods of pursuing knowledge with a view to making them more suited to wider application without necessarily losing on scientific rigor. ACTS is implementing…

Nairobi Risk Hub Engage Stakeholders on Risks

ACTS is implementing a project on Multihazard Urban Disaster Risk Transitions that focuses on disaster risk management interventions and capacity building in Nairobi, Kenya. The project provides options for anchoring actions for climate change adaptation, while also contributing to mitigation…

ACTS to Spearhead the Digital Economy Programme

Why Digital Economy? The world is on the edge of a technological revolution that will disrupt the way we live, work and socialize. A key aspect of this revolution is the digital economy, which covers all business, economic, social and…

ACTS Launches College of Scholars Arm

The College will work closely with other networks to identify and implement joint projects, deliberate on emerging technologies and how they can be deployed to enhance productive capacities in different areas. ACTS established a College of Scholars on June 23,…

Building Capacity for Computing Research In Kenya (CB4ICTD)

Creating a sustainable research culture in computer science targeting agriculture, health, finance and transport is a fundamental pillar towards making Kenya become a high middle income economy. For this reason, ACTS in collaboration with California Polytechnic State University, has been…

ACTS to Develop Climate Change Training Modules

ACTS has teamed up with training and research institutions to develop market-driven climate change training modules for different cadres and levels of education in the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) region. The other consortium partners include the…

Community Cooling Hubs to Stem Post-harvest Losses

ACTS in collaboration with Birmingham and London Southern Bank University is implementing a community based cooling project to stem post-harvest losses in Kenya. The hubs will also be used to store animal and human vaccines. The project covers dairy farming…

Project on Modern Energy Cooking Services in Kenya

ACTS, in collaboration with Loughborough University, has been implementing the Modern Energy Cooking Services (MECS) project over the last one and half years. The project aims how to rapidly accelerate a transition from biomass to genuinely clean cooking. The MECS…

Launch of AI4D Africa Scholarship Programme

A scholarship program to foster and nurture talent in responsible Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) in African public universities will be officially launched on Tuesday August 31st, 2021. The scholarship will be awarded to successful registered PhD students…

ACTS Mourns the Death of its Founder – Prof. Calestous Juma

On 15th December 2017, Prof. Calestous Juma, a research and development icon who revolutionized development thinking in Africa, breathed his last while undergoing treatment at a hospital in Boston, Massachusetts. The African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS), the brainchild of…

Paris Agreement Factsheet

By Winnie Khaemba The Paris Agreement on Climate Change is a legal instrument adopted under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The Paris Agreement recognizes climate change as a ‘common concern for mankind’ and urges parties (countries) to be…

Green champions workshop report

The African Centre for Technology Studies, Die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) – the German Corporation for International Cooperation, National Treasury (Kenya) and the Greening Kenya Initiative (GKI) organised a one day workshop on green economy at the Laico Regency Hotel…