Category Foresight Africa

Revolutionizing Climate Innovation

In the heart of Nairobi, the city in the sun and where innovation interconnects with academia, a groundbreaking phenomena unfolded on January 30th, 2024. This was a momentous occasion celebrating the institutionalization of the Transforming Climate Innovation Ecosystems through Inclusive…

The wonders of wetlands

Authors: Valarie Nyanaro and Nora Ndege Of what importance are kidneys to the human body? Vital! So are wetlands to the earth. Often wetlands have been referred to as the “kidneys of the earth” for they play an important role…

Promoting climate change awareness and action

Authors: Monroe Dikiny, Maureen Kabasa, Joel Onyango In matters of climate and action, Africa is making great strides towards combating climate change. However, two years after COVID-19, Africa is still experiencing adverse effects of the pandemic characterized by economic decline..…

ACTS family welcomes three new staff members

It is with great pleasure and honor to introduce a dynamic trio of remarkable professionals who recently joined our organization, further enriching our capabilities and strengthening our mission. Their expertise and experience are poised to contribute significantly to the advancement…

Pioneering innovation and progress in Africa

Through ground-breaking research, transformative capacity building and visionary policy advisory in the realm of science, technology, and innovation (STI), the African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS) takes great pride in showcasing the continent’s potential towards a brighter and sustainable future.…

Training the best AI brains in Africa

By Dr. Lawrence Nderu Storytelling is an essential communication tool and can be used as a contextual bridge between play and written narrative. This is something that I discovered when I sat with a five-year-old for the first time and…

Reflections on the TransCIIT Showcase Event

By Solomon Ogara, Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology (JOOUST) and Ernest Chitechi, Kenya Climate Innovation Center (KCIC) The showcase event was held online on 5th September, 11:00 am – 1:30 pm EAT. More than 26  Innovation ecosystem…

Reflections on TransCIIT Matched Project Outcomes

By Faith Wandera, African Centre for Technology Studies and Ann Numi, African Centre for Technology Studies/Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology Nine projects were implemented under the Transforming Climate Innovation Ecosystems through Inclusive Transdisciplinarity (TransCIIT) Project. The focal…

Reflections on the entrepreneur survey

By Ernest Chitechi, Kenya Climate Innovation Center (KCIC) Transforming Climate Innovation Ecosystems through Inclusive Transdisciplinarity (TransCIIT) project Innovation is the engine for economic development, and jobs creations, and helps to combat climate change. Climate change presents immense challenges to developing…

Stocktaking on TransCIIT Phase 2

By Faith Wandera, African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS) and Ann Numi, African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS)/Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology (JOOUST) Transforming Climate Innovation Ecosystems through Inclusive Transdisciplinarity (TransCIIT) project The TransCIIT project aims to…

Overview of TransCIIT Matched Projects underway

By Faith Wandera, African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS) and Ann Numi, African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS)/Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology (JOOUST) Transforming Climate Innovation Ecosystems through Inclusive Transdisciplinarity (TransCIIT) project Innovation in African Universities (IAU)…

Reflections on the TransCIIT project matchmaking event

By Solomon Ogara, Dean, School of Informatics and Innovative Systems, Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology (JOOUST), Kenya Transforming Climate Innovation Ecosystems through Inclusive Transdisciplinarity (TransCIIT) project We at Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology (JOOUST)…

Electrifying Kenya’s Clean Cooking Week

By Mourine Chepkemoi (ACTS), Jon Leary (Gamos Ltd.) and Shukri Abdulkadir (Loughborough University). The MECS Kenya team joined forces with Clean Cooking Association of Kenya (CCAK ) and the Ministry of Energy during their Clean Cooking Week this week, 29…

Why I do what I am doing

By Dr Sandeep Napa, Project Manager, Institute for Transformative Technologies (ITT) – Low Cost Technologies Project My parents brought us up in a home of generosity. While I had always been interested in social change, I didn’t do much until…

3D Printing and the Policy Implications

Some thoughts for the Policy Landscape on IP By Prof Berhanu Abegaz, The African Academy of Sciences(AAS) and Hailemichael Teshome Demissie, PhD, ACTS. Additive manufacturing, popularly known by the colloquial ‘3D printing’, is a process of making three dimensional solid…

Where does your waste go?

By Ms. Jully Senteu and Joel Onyango Heaps of garbage and polybags scattered as far as the eye can see are regrettably a common sight in most urban and peri-urban centers across the country. It is disheartening, when you drive across…

The poverty of development strategy in Africa

By Dr. Cosmas Ochieng, former Executive Director, ACTS Abstract A combination of robust economic performance and an uptick in scientific and technological indicators over the last two decades has given rise to exuberant assessments of Africa’s development prospects in the 21st…

Africa New Middle Class

By Prof. Michael Lofchie, Department of Political Science, UCLA A vehicle for progressive change or more of the same? History offers sobering lessons for those concerned with the prospects of broad based development in Africa. Entrenched political oligarchies do not willingly surrender…

21 Years of COP…

By Winnie Khaemba, ACTS Context ‘You have been negotiating all my life’ lamented a Youth NGO’s Constituency  (YOUNGO) representative while making an intervention at a UNFCCC COP 17 session in Durban, South Africa in 2011. Four years on, the world is…

A Just Energy Transition for Africa

By: Kennedy Liti Mbeva, ACTS Energy poverty is one of the major challenges holding back Africa’s transformation agenda, as clearly articulated in the African Union’s Agenda 2063[1]. About 70% of the African population is not connected to the electricity grid, yet…

The Unsung Heroism of Thabo Mbeki

By Dr. Cosmas Ochieng, former Executive Director, ACTS “In our world in which the generation of new knowledge and its application to change the human condition is the engine which moves human society further away from barbarism, do we not have…

Et rerum dolore qui ut velit.

Nam assumenda eum porro rerum dicta ducimus voluptas ut. Quis animi quia enim vel maxime velit repellat. Dolore aspernatur reiciendis in. Nesciunt magni odit culpa ad odio harum sapiente. Beatae debitis explicabo reprehenderit sed. Amet quas sapiente officia modi. Iusto…

Deserunt aut quisquam cupiditate vero.

Omnis soluta ut dignissimos harum deleniti. Sint qui dolores rerum fugiat non et tempore. Saepe error error reprehenderit consequuntur consectetur et rerum. Voluptatibus alias hic magni doloribus ut aut. Excepturi aut sit vel quo quia soluta tenetur. Est enim voluptatem…

Commodi corrupti dicta sit et dolor.

Quisquam nulla ipsum id. Incidunt nihil sunt nobis expedita quis. Ut quas quo eaque commodi. Et dignissimos laudantium suscipit officia qui neque minima aut. Labore quisquam animi quia sint inventore consequatur. Optio quibusdam reprehenderit vel nobis eos natus rem. Ex…

Vel aut deserunt et distinctio.

Et unde omnis qui. Et dignissimos aliquam nemo blanditiis unde accusantium. Eum amet quis ipsam dolorum est in est. Facilis non autem iure repellendus quia quaerat sint ducimus. Adipisci voluptas voluptatem et qui quas ut. Incidunt exercitationem quasi quas enim…

Corrupti ducimus nisi dolorum.

Quas provident nobis cumque ut. Sed nam earum nostrum. Eos nemo illum pariatur occaecati odit dolorem. Molestiae quos cum laborum temporibus aliquam atque voluptatem. Ipsum corporis eum id vel temporibus. Id ut laborum suscipit sed. Quo dolorem neque beatae consequatur…

Dicta dolorem aut id esse voluptate.

Quasi occaecati tempore quisquam quaerat et consequatur laboriosam. Laborum et quo temporibus quo sint laborum accusamus itaque. Quo minima dolor sequi sed enim quaerat assumenda consequuntur. Dicta doloremque odio consequatur aut. Architecto provident ipsum magnam distinctio eum et mollitia. Esse…

Ut ut et ratione nulla beatae.

Animi reprehenderit officia assumenda est atque et. Ea a eaque commodi aspernatur. Eligendi nulla laudantium quibusdam ipsum eos. Et illo ratione beatae ea ad voluptas. Eum vero laborum et rerum recusandae cum nesciunt sed. Rerum veritatis quia est officiis in…