This book seeks to provide substantive reflection on the extent to which the governments of Uganda, Tanzania and Kenya have delivered on the national and international commitments to East African women. The book relates NFLS and BPFA to eight key areas: Human rights and social justice; governance, sexual and reproductive health rights; education; environment; the Media; the Arts; and young women. The book has a dual objective. First, it seeks to emphasise the continuing importance and relevance of the guiding principles and calls of action that were set forth by the NFLS and the BPFA. The initiatives for change examined in this book that are informed by these international documents, illuminate what factors have contributed to positive change and it becomes clear that gender inequality cannot be overemphasized. Second, the book emphasises the complex processes of gender equality work, showing that policy directives, laws, and demands raised by women have not always been easily translatable into practice for a variety of reasons that are documented by each chapter; revealing what still needs to change to ensure gender equality.