ACTS sets up regional clean cooking hubs in Kenya

ACTS, the national host of the Modern Cooking Services (MECS) in Kenya, has begun setting up regional clean cooking hubs in the country. The Kitui and Nakuru hubs have already been launched while those in Makueni and Kisumu will be launched by early June 2022.

The entities will not only help converge and catalyse action among clean cooking and electrification stakeholders at the regional level but also broker linkages between the national and local governments by integrating electric cooking in the county energy planning processes. In addition, the hubs will help to create direct linkages between local communities and technology service providers and provide a platform for technology access, awareness, capacity building, policy influence, and consumer financing.

To ensure the launch of the hubs is successful, ACTS is working closely with key MECS partners including Kenya Power and Lighting Company, the Clean Cooking Association of Kenya, the Ministry of Energy of the National Government, the county governments, and the local hosts of the hubs.

The hubs are expected to strengthen relations among partners in the MECS space, mainly public and private sector entities such as the Ministry of Energy, county governments, academic institutions, local communities, technology service providers, and clean cooking and electrification sectors. ACTS has been generating evidence related to MECS through research and strategic stakeholder engagements to understand the challenges and opportunities related to the adoption of clean cooking.

Dr. Joanes Atela (right), Director, Partnership and Impact at ACTS and Rachel Mwangangi (middle), Deputy Director, Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, Kitui County, during the launch.