The World Bank has commissioned ACTS and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) to conduct a baseline study on the cooling and cold chain sector in Kenya and Malawi.
The baseline studies are primarily intended to provide country specific baseline assessments for the World Bank’s multi-country “Cooling Facility”, an umbrella programme intended to mobilise $157 million from the Green Climate Fund (GCF) in form of concessional loans and grants.
The loans and grants will be used to support policy, regulatory and enabling environment support and cooling investments aimed at promoting the adoption, scale-up and deployment of sustainable cooling technologies and appliances. The baseline studies will be used by World Bank country offices to better understand the current landscape of cooling with a view to engagimg with government counterparts and key stakeholders on the subject.
The team for this study will collect data mainly from literature review to identify data gaps for both Kenya and Malawi. The desk review will be supplemented by up to 20 stakeholder interviews per country. Information from stakeholders will to add depth to secondary data and fill gaps identified from the literature.
The stakeholders will be identified based on relevance and coverage of the sector.