Project Details

3R Kenya Project

START DATE: January, 2018



Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Security (AFNS)
The 3R (robust, reliable resilient)- from ‘Aid to Trade’ project is a 3.5 years initiative implemented by Wageningen University & Research, in the Netherlands in collaboration with various Kenya partner institutions and funded by the Embassy of the Netherlands in Kenya (EKN)....

Detailed description

The 3R (robust, reliable resilient)- from ‘Aid to Trade’ project is a 3.5 years initiative implemented by Wageningen University & Research, in the Netherlands in collaboration with various Kenya partner institutions and funded by the Embassy of the Netherlands in Kenya (EKN).

The 3R project aims to draw lessons from EKN programme in Agriculture and Food and Nutrition Security (FNS) projects and ventures investing in market-led approaches to develop innovative business solutions to drive competitive agri-food sectors in Kenya with a focus on dairy, horticulture and aquaculture sectors. These initiatives through Kenyan and Dutch led NGOs, knowledge experts and investors’ partnerships are taking place against the backdrop of a planned transition of the Dutch government’s engagement in Kenya from bilateral development aid to sustainable trade and investment by 2021. The policy shift is informed by Kenya’s transformation into a (low) middle-income country with a growing level of urbanization, an emergent middle class and a changing agro-food sector with increased demand for high and nutrition foods and growing and dynamic agro-food markets.

The overall aim of 3R Kenya is: ‘Well-informed stakeholder actions support the transition from aid to sustainable trade (people, planet, profit) through strengthening the aquaculture, dairy and horticulture sectors’.

The 3R project will assess and validate lessons from these initiatives and investigate whether the successes can be scaled up and be better anchored within the transforming agri-food sectors. This is with the goal of contributing to robust, reliable and resilient agri-food sectors in Kenya that are competitive and attractive to investors. 3R will l draw on the experiences of other similar programmes in the three sectors of focus. The project will work alongside a range of stakeholders in the sector, supporting stakeholder networks to enable results validation, sharing, policy outreach and guide action during the transition.