Project Details

Energy Smart Food for People and Climate project

START DATE: January, 2014



Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Security (AFNS)
African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS) is working with FAO to identify the linkages between energy access and food losses in low-income countries in Sub- Saharan Africa (SSA) and to present case studies on novel ways of using energy to reduce losses....

Detailed description

African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS) is working with FAO to identify the linkages between energy access and food losses in low-income countries in Sub- Saharan Africa (SSA) and to present case studies on novel ways of using energy to reduce losses.

Access to clean and sustainable energy in Sub-Saharan Africa remains a big challenge. As states within the region strive to enhance their food security status, appropriate energy applications in post-harvest handling are pragmatic.

Few actors recognize the role energy plays within agri-food chain. Some countries within the region are now appreciating the concept of climate smart agriculture as evidenced by various national frameworks. Promoting energy smart food practices has the potential of not only reducing fossil usage but also cogeneration of renewables.

The objective of this project is to assess existing nexus between agri-food chain practices and energy utility during post-harvest handling of agricultural productions. Almost all stages of farm operations require energy input. However, this energy needs to be supplied on a sustainable basis. Many people are increasingly realizing the potential of farm residues in generating energy that is used on/out of the farm substituting fossil fuels thus contributing to reduction in greenhouse gas emission (GHG). The project scope also includes an assessment of possible competing utilities for farm residues where soil fertility is an opportunity cost and the use of wood residues for energy generation. Further, how efficient these operations take place is prerequisite to cutting down the heightening demand.