Dr. Catherine Kilelu

Dr. Catherine Kilelu is the Director of Communication, Outreach and Partnerships and a Senior Research Fellow in the Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Security (AFNS) Program at ACTS.  She leads on enhancing ACTS’ visibility and reach as a regional science, technology and innovation (STI) research and policy think tank through dissemination of quality research, evidence-based policy engagement and expanding partnerships.  Catherine holds a Ph.D. in Social Sciences from Wageningen University, under the Knowledge, Technology and Innovation Chair and has vast experience in research for development having worked for various organizations.

She leads a diverse portfolio of action research projects in sub-Saharan Africa on sustainable and inclusive innovation-driven agrifood systems transformation linked to food and nutrition security, market development and competitiveness, job creation and resilient livelihoods. She also work in sustainability transitions. She has published on these themes. She was a member of the Lancet COVID-19 Commission Task force on Green Recovery.


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