African countries increasingly recognize science, technology, and innovation (STI) as a key driver and enabler for achieving sustainable and inclusive socio-economic development. In view of the importance of STI in catalysing socio-economic development, Science Granting Councils (SGCs) play a critical role in contributing towards effective and efficient functioning of national STI systems in Africa. Funding and managing of research and innovation projects is one of the key functions of SGCs.
Project Consortium
The Science Granting Council Initiative (SGCI) has appointed a consortium led by the African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS), in collaboration with the Association of African Universities (AAU) and University of Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar (UCAD), to implement a new programme – Supporting Africa’s SGCs to Fund and Manage Research and Innovation Projects. The goal of the programme is to strengthen the capacities of SGCs to fund and manage research and innovation projects in areas aligned with their national development plans and priorities.
The Approach
ACTS consortium will deploy the following approaches in the implementation of the programme.
- The Councils will be at the driver’s seat during the implementation of the programme with the consortium playing a supportive role.
- The fund will provide opportunities for the Councils to pilot and deploy some of the tools, templates, and guidelines developed from SGCI-1 & 2 relevant to the five listed programme objectives.
- Taking into consideration that Councils fund and manage several projects from different sources, the consortium will work with the Councils to build synergy including joint calls for proposals, workshops and monitoring and evaluation where possible.
- The consortium will make available the existing database at ACTS of reviewers in emerging technologies to those Councils that will require them. Monitor and evaluate research projects.
- During the implementation of this programme, the consortium will collaborate with other CTAs to build synergies.
Programme Objectives
The project is pegged on 5 specific objectives as outlined below:
- Refine / adapt a research and innovation framework based on Councils’ specific needs and interests.
- Design and manage high quality research competitions.
- Monitor and evaluate research projects.
- Mainstream gender equality, inclusivity and ethical considerations in all funded research projects; Synthesize research results, develop research outputs and disseminate through various media including supporting symposia for researchers.
How the consortium will work with Councils
The ACTS consortium will work closely with the Councils in six key areas outlined below:
- Working with the Councils to refine/adapt the draft research framework by accounting for their specific needs and interests.
- Supporting the Councils to design and manage high quality research competitions. This could include support to design the calls for proposals and review guidelines and to organize proposal development workshops. The proposal review panels would typically be organized by the councils.
- Drawing and issuing contracts to be signed by the grantees, Councils and the collaborating technical agency. The Councils will be responsible for issuing letters of award to successful applicants.
- Conducting joint monitoring of research projects with the councils, including joint review of progress reports and research outputs. The Councils will be the primary recipients of progress reports from researchers.
- Supporting the synthesis of research results and development of various research outputs (including reports, journal articles, books and policy briefs) and their dissemination for use.
- Supporting symposia for researchers funded by this programme in collaboration with the Councils.
Gender considerations
This new programme puts a lot of emphasis on gender equality and inclusivity which will be achieved as follows.
- Ensure at least 30% of the projects funded will be led by female researchers.
- Ensure that gender and inclusivity is embedded in the design of research methods, data collection, data analysis, knowledge production and dissemination, and final beneficiaries of project outputs (processes, technologies and innovations).
- Target disadvantaged sectors (e.g informal sector) and researchers (Early Career Academics).
- Websites: and
- Facebook: African Centre for Technology Studies – ACTS
- Twitter: @ACTSNET For more information contact: