
The Senchi Statement launched at the first Pan-African Business and Biodiversity Forum

Over 41 countries gathered in Senchi, Ghana, from 9-10 October, 2015, under the aegis of the Pan-African business and biodiversity Forum (PABF). Participants represented governments, business, civil society, academia, development institutions and financial institutions.

Participants explored the business-biodiversity nexus, focusing on four thematic areas of extractive industries, Natural Capital Accounting, Sustainable Agriculture and renewable Energy. This forum was part of an overarching series of global exchanges aimed at exploring the importance of conserving natural capital in the context of sustainable development.

The PABF forum yielded insightful deliberations. It was noted that there was need for evidence-based support in the design and implementation of public and corporate policies and practises, especially in identifying key biodiversity areas. Participants also noted the need to align these interventions with international agreements such as the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011 – 2020 of the United Nations convention on Biological Diversity (CBD); the recently agreed Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); and the African Union (AU) Agenda 2063, among others. The sustainable use of natural resources was also identified as key to addressing pressing challenges such as poverty alleviation, health, climate change and natural disasters.

As an overarching conclusion, the forum highlighted, through the Senchi Statement, the need for all stakeholders to work together in order to mainstream biodiversity into business strategies and operations. Participants agreed and committed to identify, develop, share and mainstream information and best practises; as well as initiate and support the establishment of Business and Biodiversity initiatives at national and regional levels throughout Africa, in line with the CBD’s Global Partnership for Business and Biodiversity Platform.

To access the Senchi Statement click here
