
3rd CJ Seminar Series Focus

The rapid advances in technology driven by AI and ML, with the potential to converge the physical, digital and biological spheres, is a powerful tool that Africa must not only embrace but leverage and harness its huge capacity to accelerate sustainable development with a view to creating an inclusive society where no one is left behind. On the other hand, AI and ML is a poisoned chalice – affording huge advantages to humanity while at the same time posing serious dangers which must be controlled and managed. From the foregoing, it is therefore imperative that Africa develops its capacity to exploit the huge potential accorded by AI and ML to enrich the lives of its people, while at the same time ensuring minimum negative impact of AI deployment. This can only be done if all parties and stakeholders are aware and conscious of both the advantages and disadvantages of AI and ML. The Seminar will focus on three theme

Day1 Flier || Day2 Flier ||Day3 Flier

Day 1 Speakers: Application of Responsible AI & ML


Day 2 Speakers - Presentation of AI4D Africa Scholarship Projects


Day 3 Speakers - Women in Artificial Intelligence


About CJLF

The Calestous Juma Legacy Foundation (CJLF) is a U.S. based non-profit foundation, founded in 2019 to foster policies, programs and projects to develop and utilize technological innovation in education, public health, and in advancing the application of science and technology in economic transformation and sustainable development, particularly in Kenya, Africa, and developing countries. The initial focus of the Foundation’s work will be on Calestous Juma’s hometown of Port Victoria, Bunyala District, Kenya, on the shores of Lake Victoria.


3rd CJ Seminar Series Programme
