
Consultations on the draft Natural Capital Protocol launched at the 2nd World Forum on Natural Capital

The Natural Capital Coalition, launched in 2012, brings together the different initiatives and organisations working in natural capital to collaborate on projects that will help to deliver a common vision of a world where business conserves and enhances natural capital.

The Natural Capital Protocol is a product of the Natural Capital Coalition. The Natural Capital Coalition has brought together – through two consortia led by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) – the world’s leading institutions from business, accountancy, consultancy, financial institutions and NGOs to develop the Natural Capital Protocol, two sector guides on Food and Beverage and Apparel, and to engage business in the development and testing of the Protocol.

These institutions are: Accenture, African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS), ARCADIS, The B Team, Carbon Disclosure Standards Board, University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership, Conservation International, Deloitte, eCountability, eftec, ERM, EY, FAO, GIST Advisory, IERS, Imperial College London, Integrated Sustainability Services, Natural Capital Project, The Nature Conservancy, The Sustainable Fashion Academy, PwC, Sustain Value, Synergiz, Trucost, True Price, VitalMetrics, World Resources Institute and WWF.

Work on the Natural Capital Protocol Project has been made possible with generous funding from Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation; IFC with the support of the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Government of Netherlands; The Rockefeller Foundation; United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP); and the UK Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA). The Coalition is hosted by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW).

Consultation on V0 of the Natural Capital Protocol and Sector Guides was launch on November 23 at the 2nd World Forum on Natural Capital. The draft Protocol and Sector Guides have been developed as a standardized framework for business to measure and value its impacts and dependencies on natural capital and to help them integrate this into their decision making.

The Natural Capital Coalition is built upon the belief that through collaboration we will go further.This consultation is therefore an essential part of the development process.  As well as engaging with the growing Coalition membership, which has doubled in the last six months and now stands at 168 organisations, the Coalition is establishing an expert review panel, to lead the consultation, build consensus and gain market momentum. The consultation compliments the existing business pilot program that is already underway and includes over 50 companies representing all geographies and many major sectors.

The consultation will run until the 26 February 2016 and will be followed by several months of further development prior to the launch of Version 1 in July 2016.

To participate click here

For more information, please contact Dr.Joël Houdet :j.houdet [at]


