Past Events

2nd AfricaLics Conference - 17th – 19th November 2015, Kigali, Rwanda

17 Nov 2015 12:00 AM - 19 Nov 2015 12:00 AM
University of Rwanda - Kigali, Rwanda

Theme: Unpacking Systems of Innovations for Sustainable Development in Africa

The Second AfricaLics Conference will be hosted by University of Rwanda - Kigali, Rwanda. The conference intends to bring together up to 150 early careers and established researchers and scholars from different disciplines to enhance the quality of innovation studies in relation to development and growth in Africa. The objectives of this conference are:

  • To determine the state of the art within research community in Africa working in the field of innovation and development.
  • To provide a much needed arena for researchers in Africa, particularly early career researchers, to build capacity in presenting and networking skills as well as learning about new methods and theories.
  • To promote networking and create space for new collaborations amongst researchers in the field of innovation and development focusing on Africa.
  • To build capacity to teach high quality, fit for purpose, curricula in the field of innovation and development in Africa. 


The conference follows a successful mini conference held in December 2013 in Maputo with deliberations focusing on neglected areas in the area of innovation and development.

The conference will be held over three days and will combine presentation of research papers in parallel tracks with panel discussions and plenary lectures.  There will also be a parallel track focusing exclusively on teaching of innovation and development at African universities.


Paper Submissions

We invite submission of original unpublished full papers for the conference. Submission of full paper (in PDF) not exceeding 8,000 words (including notes, tables, appendices, list of references, etc.) should be made via the online submission through ConfTool at We especially encourage the participation of young researchers. The selection of the papers will be based on a peer review process. AfricaLics reserves the right to use available software to control for plagiarism and to take appropriate action in severe cases.


All Dates

  • From 17 Nov 2015 12:00 AM to 19 Nov 2015 12:00 AM

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