Climate Information Communication for Local Adaptations: Policy Dialogue
The exchange of climate information by speaking, writing, or using some other medium, messaged in a practical and useful context contributes to climate communication. This has become increasingly vital in translating science and research, into practice and policy. Timely delivery and access of climate information, and how it is received, becomes important in management of drought, floods, pests, and effects of diseases. Climate information is described as scientific weather and climate forecasts at lead times from daily to seasonal forecasts and climate projections decades ahead. ICT tools such as mobile phones and community radios are considered the most cost-effective tools in the rural communities and offer a new avenue for the dissemination of climate information to a wider reach of people to enhance their livelihoods. This blogpost serves as a formal announcement of an upcoming Webinar on Climate Information Communication for Local Adaptations that will bring these issues into perspective.