Terms of Reference for consultancy to synthesize application of responsible and ethical AI in AI4D Africa research projects

(I). The Context

About ACTS

The African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS) is implementing the Artificial Intelligence for Development in Africa (AI4D) Scholarship Project to foster and nurture talent in responsible Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) in African public universities. The project, which is currently on a 6 month extension phase after it came to  a close in March 2024, , is funded by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA), aims to meet the growing demand for research and development in responsible Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) in the continent.

Specifically, the project is supporting selected scholars to undertake and successfully complete PhD research in AI and ML in African universities; and early career academics (ECA) to strengthen their research and development capacities in the two areas. Special consideration is given to research projects on responsible AI innovation for sustainable development, gender equity, equitable regional distribution in low-income countries. ACTS is implementing the AI4D Africa scholarship project in partnership with Kwame Nkrumah University of Science & Technology in Ghana; University of Linkoping, Sweden and Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar, Senegal. Other partners include the Regents of the University of California, United States; Human Sciences Research Council and Institute for Humanities in Africa based in South Africa; and the University of Eduardo Mondlane, Mozambique.

(II). Objectives of the Consultancy

The goal of this synthesis is to assess the level of awareness and application of responsible and ethical AI among African researchers focusing on the Ai4D Africa research projects. In this respect, the main objective of this assignment is to examine how AI4D Africa researchers applied principles of responsible and ethical AI in their research projects. Specifically, the synthesis will aim to:

(a). Find out the extent to which AI4D Africa a researchers are aware of responsible and Ethical AI principles at the time of application

  • To what extent do AI4D Africa researchers aware of responsible and ethical AI at the time of their application?
  • What ethical considerations were taken in developing/deploying the research projects?
  • What aspects of responsible AI were applied?
  • How did they get to know about responsible and ethical AI?
  • Is this knowledge evident in their research projects?

 (b). To determine how the AI4D Africa applied responsible and AI principles in their research

  • To what extent did AI4D Africa researchers apply responsible and ethical AI principles in design, data collecting and deployment of models?
  • Did they experience any challenges?
  • Were the principles of responsible and ethical AI applied appropriately in the research projects.

 (c). To find out the gaps and weaknesses regarding the application of responsible and ethical AI principles

  • Were there any gaps/limitations in the application of these responsible and ethical principles?
  • How were/can these challenges be addressed?

 (III). Key Components of the report

  • Executive summary
  • Context- background, problem statement, objectives, significance
  • Methodology
  • Key findings
  • Lessons learned
  • Conclusions and recommendations

(IV). Qualifications and Experience

The consultant must have a PhD and should have good knowledge of the AI4D Africa project.

(V). Deliverables

The consultant will be expected to deliver the following products.

  • Inception Report (5pages)
  • Draft Synthesis report
  • Final Synthesis report (20-30 pages including annexes).
  • Executive summary report (1 page)

(VI). Supervision

The consultant will be supervised by the AI4D Africa team at ACTS lead by the Head of the Digital Economy Department, Dr Winston Ojenge.

(VII). Timelines

This task should be completed within 10 working days and not later than 15 August, 2024.

(VIII). Payment

The consultant will be paid a lumpsum of USD 1500 inclusive of tax after satisfactory submitting the deliverables mentioned above.

How to Apply

Interested candidates should send their applications and CV along with the names of three referees to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 16:00hrs on Wednesday July 10th, 2024
