Environmental impact assessment (EIA) of the project: Opportunities for Blue Economic Empowerment and COVID-19 Resilience of Fisher Women in Kenya (Blue Empowerment)

ACTS is seeking an outstanding candidate for the position of Consultant to work under the Climate Resilient Economy (CRE) Program. ACTS is is a pioneering development research think tank on harnessing applications of science, technology, and innovation policies for sustainable development in Africa. ACTS is an Intergovernmental organization founded in 1988 to pursue policy-oriented research towards strengthening the capacity of African countries and institutions to harness science and technology for sustainable development.  ACTS envisions a sustainable economic, social, and environmental future for Africa, through science, technology, and innovation.

About Blue Empowerment Project

Investing in a low-carbon blue economy holds solutions for rebuilding a more resilient, sustainable and equitable post-COVID world (Northrop et al, 2020). Integrated Multi-trophic Aquaculture of seaweeds (Eucheuma denticulatum) and rabbitfish (Siganus sutor) at the coastal region of Kenya can contribute to green recovery post-COVID-19. IMTA would alleviate climate change and socio-economic challenges because it is considered as a resilient, low-carbon and environmentally friendly and economically sustainable innovation. Various models of IMTA systems have been tried and used in other parts of the world, especially in South East Asia. Its application needs local adaptation on various dimensions e.g., choice of farmed species, spatial and structural designs of farms and management techniques. However, these dimensions are yet to be documented and tested within the Kenyan coast.

This research project proposes to undertake social, technological and institutional analyses of the barriers, challenges and opportunities for leveraging IMTA of seaweed and fish as a low-carbon, gender-transformative, environmentally and economically sustainable innovation for equitable empowerment. The proposed IMTA innovation brings fish and seaweed farming together into an integrated and mutually economically beneficial production cluster. The project will engage the Beach Management Units (BMUs), technological institutions, women groups, private sector, policy makers and other stakeholders in the Blue Economy to study, co-design, deploy model IMTA farms and use them as platforms to gain practical insights, evidence and generate data for adoption towards sustainable development in the coastal region.

The overall objective of the Project is to test and adopt climate-smart integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA) of seaweeds and fish as means to improve livelihoods and resilience of fisher women in Kenya’s coastal region. The specific objectives being:

  1. Provide state-of-the-art information for equitable and sustainable adoption of fish-seaweeds IMTA among coastal fisher communities in Kenya.
  2. Provide options for enabling policies, technology uptake, and governance frameworks for IMTA adoption and fisher women’s empowerment.
  3. Design, set-up, test and optimise gender transformative fish-seaweeds IMTA solutions for the socio-economic empowerment, COVID-19 and climate change resilience of fisher women.
  4. Promote knowledge translation, dissemination and learning for IMTA systems upscaling, climate change and COVID-19 response strategies for the local community in Kwale and Kilifi counties, as well as other coastal communities in Kenya.

 The project has received funding from the International Development Research Centre, Canada (IDRC). The project is led by African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS), in collaboration with Kenya Industrial Research and Development Institute (KIRDI), Bahari CBO Network, Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute (KMFRI), Kenyatta University (KU), and C-Weed Corporation Ltd.

Scope of Consultancy:

The consultant is expected to:

  1. Clearly describe the nature and geographical scope of the project including desktop review of Commercialized Aquaculture of seaweeds and fin fish
  2. Gather and collate views of the key stakeholders within the projects area regarding the project through oral interviews and administration of a structured
  3. Review and document relevant legal, policy and institutional framework applicable to this project.
  4. Undertake a field survey of the project site to appreciate the ecological, economic and social environmental aspects as they relate to the IMTA development with seaweeds and fin fish
  5. Identify and evaluate the significant environmental impacts of the proposed project
  6. Develop mitigation measures to minimize identified negative impacts
  7. Identify and evaluate possible alternatives to the project
  8. Prepare an environmental management plan (EMP) and give recommendations on the best environmental practice for the project
  9. Prepare Environmental and Social Impact Assessment report for the proposed Project and submit to NEMA for approval (10 copies and an electronic copy)

Execution framework

The deliverables will be achieved through field site visits, questionnaire surveys and desktop research as well as public consultation meetings in terms of the stipulated EIA process.`

Confidential information obtained from the client will be handled confidentially and the final report may not be relied upon by any other party without the express agreement of the Proponent(s) & NEMA.

The study will focus on the terms of reference and address each issue as comprehensively as possible within the stipulated time frames.

Assignment schedule

The assignment is schedule to take no more than 20 man-days, and be finished by the 25th April, 2022


Activity description



Review of available documents and applicable statutes (Desk top appraisal)



Field interviews and consultative meetings



Data compilation and report writing, submission of the first draft report, and presenting the report to the project partners



Fine-tuning of the draft and submission of final report



TOTAL Man-days



Requirements in response to the Terms of Reference

The following is required from the consultant in response to these terms of reference as a basis for evaluation and choice of the suitable consultant firms/individuals:

  • Their understanding of these terms of references;
  • A proposed methodology/approach and completion period;
  • A capacity statement with CVs of individuals to be involved in this assignment;
  • Proof of prior experience in undertaking similar consultancies- 2 letters of recommendation;
  • A high-level workplan;
  • A separate financial proposal with a complete cost breakdown. The costs should exclude any conference costs

How to apply

Interested consultancy firms/individuals should submit their technical and financial proposals to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., with copy to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., and clearly indicate the title of the consultancy on the subject by 5pm on Friday 25th March 2022.


1st April to 30th April 2022


Contact us

African Centre for Technology Studies
ICIPE Duduville Campus, Kasarani
P.O. Box 45917 - 00100
Nairobi, Kenya.
Tel: +254710607210 || +254737916566


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