The Science Granting Council Initiative (SGCI) started in 2015 and aims to strengthen the capacities of science granting councils in 16 sub-Saharan African countries to support research and evidence-based policies that will contribute to the continent’s economic and social development. The SGCI provides a window of opportunity for the Councils to focus on their role as boundary managers and how evidence can be utilised more effectively to support their activities. SGCI does this through programmes focused on the management of research grants; the use of evidence to inform STI policy; supporting knowledge exchange with the private sector and establishing partnerships between Councils and other science system actors. SGCI is also focused on the cross-cutting issues of strategic communication, gender, and inclusivity. The SGCI is a collaborative initiative, jointly funded by the Canadian International Development Research Centre (IDRC), the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), the UK’s Department for International Development (now the Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office), the South African National Research Fund (NRF) and the German Research Foundation (DFG).
The SGCI phase 2, Evi-Pol project, has the objective to strengthen the capacity of Science Granting Councils (SGCs) to generate and use evidence in policy and decision-making and to enhance their roles as policy champions. To achieve the main goal, the specific objectives of the Evi-Pol project are: a) Support SGCs to conduct reviews of national STI policies and deepen their knowledge and understanding of the policy processes; b) Support the Councils to develop robust organizational-level MEL frameworks and plans; c) Support the Councils to develop data management systems and frameworks and systematically collect, analyse and use relevant data/ evidence; d) Promote peer to peer learning and knowledge exchange between Councils and local STI experts.
The Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education of Mozambique is responsible for the Council participating in this Initiative, the FNI. The council was created by the Government of Mozambique through Decree no. 12/2005, of 10 June, revised by Decree no. 50/2015, of 31 December.
The Evi-Pol project has the funds to contract several short-term consultants to assist in building capacity for conducting reviews of science, technology, and innovation (STI) policy in several of the SGCs involved in the SGCI. In this regard, the African Centre for Technology Studies, as Evi-Pol grant holder (IDRC grant number: 109573), is requesting applications for an STI Policy Review consultant to assist the ministry.
STI Policy Review consultant
The STI Policy Review consultant will provide technical assistance to the Council on a part-time basis for an agreed period and with defined tasks. The ministry, as part of the Evi-Pol STI Policy Review work package, is requesting support to conduct a review of STI policy to inform the drafting of the new STI policy and other related policy documents and to enable the FNI and ministry to build the capacity of their STI policy officers/unit. The FNI and ministry has worked with the Evi-Pol STI Policy Review team to adapt a framework and template to guide the policy analysis. The STI Policy Review consultant will be expected to use the framework and template in supporting the policy analysis. The consultant will also be required to conduct stakeholder interviews/meetings/workshops to inform the policy analysis and finalisation of the STI policy.
The scope of the work
The current funding available provides for 15 days of Consultant time, proposed to be broken down as follows:
- Initial meetings with the FNI, the ministry and Evi-Pol STI Policy Review team to agree on the final scope of work and familiarise with the STI Policy Review framework and methodology
- Analyse selected policy texts, using the framework and template
- Carry out discussions/meetings/interviews with key stakeholders
- Analyse and interpret the findings from the policy analysis and stakeholder discussions/meetings/interviews, and present the findings to the FNI, ministry and Evi-Pol STI Policy Review teams
- Based on feedback from the ministry and Evi-Pol STI Policy Review teams, finalise and submit a brief written report on the findings
- Support the ministry to present the key findings/recommendations of the STI policy review in planned validation workshop(s)
The instruments for the stakeholder interviews/meetings/workshops should be aligned with the Evi-Pol STI Policy Review framework and methodology.
Where possible, engagement with the ministry should be conducted face-to-face i.e., where COVID-19 workplace rules allow. Where COVID-19 working restrictions are in place, this work will occur virtually by phone, email, and online meeting platforms. Where possible, the stakeholder interviews should be conducted by phone, email, and online meeting platforms. The validation workshops may be conducted face-to-face or virtually depending on COVID-19 regulations.
These will be agreed upon during the scope of work but are provisionally expected to include:
- A report on the policy review, based on an analysis of policy texts and stakeholder discussions/meetings/interviews, signed off by the FNI and ministry.
- Present and support the FNI and ministry to organise validation workshops.
Duration of the assignment
The successful consultants will be given a three-month consultancy contract (estimated to start in May 2022).
This consultancy will be administered by ACTS under the guidance of the principal investigator working on the SGCI phase 2, Evi-Pol project. The PI is Prof. Rebecca Hanlin.
The day-to-day management of the consultancy will be conducted by the FNI. The consultant’s line manager will be Prof. Eugénia Flora Rosa Cossa , National Director of Science, Technology and Innovation, Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education.
A monthly progress meeting involving the Consultant, STI Policy Review work package lead or representative, and the Council’s line manager. These will ensure that the tasks are on track, the objectives are being achieved, and are in tandem with the support requested by the Council.
Contract value and payment
Each consultancy contract will have a maximum potential value of US$ 4500 (15 days at US$ 300, depending on the consultant’s level of experience) inclusive of taxes.
Payment will be made on completion of all work and sign-off of deliverables. The total will not exceed the number of days and value of the contract.
Please note all Kenyan consultants will be subject to 5% withholding tax on all invoices while others from outside Kenya will have a minimum of 20% withholding tax removed.
Qualifications of the applicants
- A Masters or Doctoral degree in a relevant discipline, for example, political science, sociology, development studies, economics, and related in the social sciences
- A minimum of five years’ experience in policy/legislation research in the area of science, technology and innovation, and inclusive development/gender equality
- Experience in the collection and analysis of quantitative and qualitative data, particularly conducting stakeholder interviews and validation workshops
- Proven experience in policy/legislation analysis
- Must be based in sub-Saharan Africa, preferably in Mozambique
- Must be fluent in Portuguese
- Proven record of producing high-quality research publications and/or drafting policy/legislation in the field of science, technology, and innovation will be an advantage
In addition, candidates should also outline their competencies in the following areas:
- Good communication and interpersonal skills
- Ability to work on context-specific needs/topics
- Flexible when it comes to change and open to receive and integrate feedback
The following criteria will be used to evaluate applications:
- Experience in science, technology, and innovation (STI) policy/legislation research and analysis, especially in the Council’s country
- Experience working with government departments, science granting councils, or other government agencies
- Track record of conducting reviews of STI policy/legislation or STI policy/legislation research or drafting STI policy/legislation
Application instructions
Qualified applicants (both individual and organizations) are invited to apply and submit:
- A proposal indicating how they meet the specifications for the consultancy work and the methodology on how such work will be implemented (no more than three (3) pages).
- Curriculum vitae of the individual consultant indicating their previous experience in similar work and the contact details of at least three referees.
- Submit at least one example material from a previous work assignment that is similar to this one
Call for applications will close 4 weeks (13th May 2022) after the call opens.
If you have queries or questions about the call for applications, please contact Dr Glenda Kruss: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ‘SGCI STI Policy Review consultant’ in the subject heading