Luba Pascoe

Luba Pascoe, is a PhD student at Nelson Mandela African Institution of science and Technology in Tanzania. She holds a MSc degree in Information and Communication Science and Engineering specializing in Information Technology Systems Development and Management from NM-AIST and a BSc in Computer Science from the University of Dar es Salaam where she is also employed as an assistant lecturer in its constituent college namely Dar es Salaam University College of Education(DUCE). Luba’s research interests are on Mobile Applications, Health Informatics, Information Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Agent Based Modeling. Currently in her PhD study, she intends to employ Agent Based Modeling and Simulation for surveillance and early detection of diseases such as Dengue in Sub-Saharan Africa. Luba is a beneficiary of the AI4D (Artificial Intelligence for Development) scholarship program under Category One-PhD Student, for the year 2021.
Luba enjoys spending time with her husband and three kids, cooking, listening to music, watching movies and visiting friends and relatives.

Project Summary
