Brief Description of the assignment: Development and operationalization of an information platform on funding opportunities for implementation of digital and green technologies
Period of assignment: November 1, 2024 - January 31, 2025
Expected start date of the assignment: November 1, 2024, 2024
Closing date for expressing interest: October 11, 2024
Expression of interest to be submitted to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Background and rationale
The Kenyan Green and Digital Innovation Hub (gDIH), is a one stop shop support facility for MSMEs, start-ups, and innovators that seek to develop and scale up their green and digital oriented business. It is mandated to support Kenyan enterprises in their digital and green transformation by providing MSMEs, start-ups, and innovators demand driven services under four key pillars: access to innovation support facilities, access to finance, skills development, innovation ecosystem building. The hub’s focus sectors are agriculture, energy, ICT and smart cities, while the focus technologies are automation, cybersecurity, cloud computing and IoTs.
Access to funding remains one of the critical barriers to the growth and sustainability of MSMEs, Innovators and startups in Kenya. There is need for an easily accessible digital information platform that provides up-to-date information on available funding opportunities and resources to aid MSMEs, startups, and innovators in securing the necessary financial support.
Objectives of the Consultancy
The goal of this consultancy is to develop and operationalize a user-friendly information platform that provides easy access to funding opportunities for MSMEs, innovators and startups.
Duties and responsibilities
The consultant is expected to:
- Undertake a mapping of existing funding opportunities from various sources including government institution, international organizations, private sector, and other relevant entities.
- Design, develop and operationalize a user-friendly digital information platform on funding opportunities for green and digital technologies.
Experience and qualifications
- Strong technical skills in web development and database management
- Expertise in developing and implementing online platforms
- Strong understanding of the funding landscape for MSMEs, innovators, and startups.
- Excellent research, data collection and analytical skills
- Capacity to carry out extensive mapping exercise within a short period of time
- Evidence of having carried out consultancies of a similar scale
Proposal Contents
Interested consultants must provide information indicating that they are qualified to provide the above services by submitting an Expression of Interest with a Maximum of 15 pages which should include;
- Consultants Profile
- Evidence of similar assignments
- Capability statement: Technical and professional competence necessary for successful implementation of the assignment.
- Financial Proposal
The assignment is set at 4 consultancy days and work is expected to be concluded by October 30, 2024
- Inception Report
- Comprehensive mapping report of funding opportunities.
- A fully functional information platform on funding opportunities developed and launched
- User manual and support documentation of the platform
- Final report
How to apply
Interested parties are to submit their Expression of Interest in the form of a PDF document to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the subject line: Developing Digital platform on funding opportunities by October 11, 2024