Elias Sime

Elias Sime Leggesse is a lecturer in Bahir Dar Institute Technology in Faculty of Civil and Water Resources Engineering. He is currently working his PhD in the same faculty with title: Developing Methods to Monitor and Analyze Eutrophication of Lake Tana from Remote Sensing Imagery using Machine Learning– Upper Blue Nile, Ethiopia. He holds his B.Sc in Hydraulic Engineering from Arbaminch University, Ethiopia. He takes interest in researches related to how to manage watershed and water resources since he undertaken his masters in Watershed Management and Hydrology from Cornell University, USA. During his stay in the faculty he participated in various projects including “The Natural and Socioeconomics Follow-Up Survey” under the watershed monitoring and Evaluation (WME) component of the Tana Beles Integrated Water resources Development in Ethiopia, “Lake Tana Biosphere Reservation” on five selected wetlands of Lake tana; Dirma Mouth Wetland, Shesher & Wallela wetlands, Gelda shore and river Mouth Wetland, Yiganda Wetland, and Chimba wetlands and other various related works. He is also co-author of some publications in relation to watershed and water resources management.

Project Summary
