Dr. Seifu Tilahun


Dr. Tilahun holds a BSc in Civil Engineering from Bahir Dar University, MS in Hydraulic Engineering from Addis Ababa University and a PhD in Biological and Environmental Engineering from Cornell University. He has currently an associate professor position within Faculty of Civil and Water Resources Engineering of Bahir Dar Institute of Technology. He also holds currently a position of scientific director of Bahir Dar Institute of Technology. He has an interest of applying AI and ML on his research areas of rainfall-runoff processes, soil erosion and sediment transport, water productivity, sustainability of water supply, non point source pollution and improving soil and water conservation. He has around 117 publications with H-index of 27.

Bahir Dar Institute of Technology | (bdu.edu.et)-Bahir Dar University is a pioneer institute offering higher education in the area of engineering anf technology since 1963. One of the resaerch center focusing on AI and ML is ICT4D (bdu.edu.et) for development (ICT4D). It has an experience of applying AI in the resaerch areas of language processing, industrial automation, agricultural infformtion and water resources management.


