Dr. Eng Castro Hounmenou


Dr. Eng Castro G. HOUNMENOU is a Researcher in Statistics-Probability and Applications, an active member of Biomathematics and Applied Statistics Unit of the Laboratory of Biomathematics and Forestry Estimations (www.labef-uac.org) of the University of Abomey-Calavi, Republic of Benin.  He obtained his Bachelor's degree in Psychology of Social and Professional Life in 2009, his Degree of Conception Engineer in Environmental Science in 2010, as well as a Master's degree in Statistics, option Biostatistics in 2015. In 2021, he obtained a PhD in Statistics-Probability at the Institute of Mathematics and Physical Sciences, with the specialty Statistical Learning and Data Mining. He is Deputy Head of Training, Research and Scientific Publications in the Board of Directors of the Association of Statisticians, Planners and Demographers of Benin (ASPD, Benin) from 2018 to present. He has a culture of mentoring students and has some scientific publications on theoretical aspects and applications of AI.  He has recently become Director of the Statistical and Development Consulting Team (SDCT). This group does consulting in various fields: applied statistics, environment, natural resources, agriculture, water and sanitation, economics, health, forestry, education and nutrition and climate change. It also lectures on General Mathematics, Analysis, Differential and Matrix Equations, Descriptive Statistics, Probability, Inferential Statistics, Linear and Non-linear Models, Multivariate Analysis, Algorithms, Programming, Design of experiments and Research Methodology. In addition, he offers training on statistical methods, the use of standard software for data processing, project management, monitoring and evaluation, programming, database creation and management. His current research interests include Machine Learning, Deeping Learning for prediction, classifying and grouping tasks with applications to life science in the context of highly contaminated/missing data. He has published more than 20 scientific papers in international journals and numerous edited communication papers.


