Doudou DIONE

Doudou Dione was born  in Louly Ngogom in Mbour. After obtaining my elementary school leaving certificate and the middle school leaving certificate, I entered high school to pursue my career in the scientific field. After obtaining my Scientific Baccalaureate (S2), I continued my higher education in Physics, Chemistry and Material Sciences at the Faculty of Science and Technology of the Cheikh Anta Diop University of Dakar (UCAD) where I obtained a Bachelor's degree in the field before pursuing the Master's cycle. I obtained a Master 2 in Physics and Applications, option Electronics, Systems and Telecommunications, specialising in microelectronics at the same university. After my Master 2, my passion and my will to deepen my knowledge in the field of electronics and telecommunication, particularly in the technology of connected objects (IoT), strongly motivated me to pursue my doctoral studies at the Cheikh Anta Diop University of Dakar.

Project Summary
